Again wonderful and interesting topic for blogging...
"Black Panther"...Is this a good movie? Yes. It is certainly one of the better marvel Movies.
Is it the best Marvel movie yet? No, it is not. Winter Soldier and GOTG Vol.1 are still the top 2 best marvel movies.
I think Michael B. Jordon did a commendable job as Killmonger but IMO his character deserved more screen time. He is a good actor and I think he did not get enough good scenes to show his full acting chops. Also one complaint I have is they wasted opportunity at the start to establish his cruelty or ruthlessness. When he steals the Vibranium axe at the start, they should have let him kill the guards mercilessly to establish his mean streak. His character was compelling though, because his past, intentions and plan was simple and drawn out very clearly unlike most other marvel villains.
Much has been praised about Wakanda and its design. But to be honest other than Shuri's Lab, the planes and weapons we did not get to clearly see much of Wakanda like the skyscrapers or the trains. It was always from distance or in the far background. Everyone talks about how Wakanda is very advanced and a wonder but even when they are walking on the streets, the surroundings like streets, houses did not feel "Advanced". I read somewhere that the Wakandan architecture was inspired by Blade Runner and if so I think that was a mistake here as Blade Runner was about a Dystopian future. I think they should have done something like the capital city of Nova Corps in GOTG, whatever we see about the capital of Nova Corps in GOTG, like streets, buildings etc. feels so premium and advanced.
The acting from everyone involved was very good, specially from the ladies. Andy Serkis as Klau was a blast to watch, he had the most fun. He is always good in anything he does.
I thought the fight at the very end between Black panther and Killmonger on train track was underwhelming, specially compared to all the previous fights in the movie. Its not a very bad fight but you take away the costumes and it was just like any other fist fight. I think it lacked real urgency and tension.
Also I think the movie also lacked in the fun/comic parts compared to other Marvel movies considering it's tone not as serious as Winter Soldier
Overall I will give it a 7/10.@humanearl sir....
Cheers~~~Thanks you so much @humanearl my dear friend for this amazing post...
I think they intentionally did not prtray Killmonger killing people at the very beginning. I think they wanted to focus more on Klau being the person of interest first.
The ladies in this movie are amazing. What I really enjoyed was all the social themes that were at play. Ryan Coogler did a great job at writing it.