
Hi @hilmi, I tried Google translate to understand your comment, and it said "Skill sob brother". I'm going to guess this isn't what you meant to say. Please let me know.

haha skill sob brother that sounds like ebonics.

If you don't understand none of my business.

Wow, that sounds rude.

You posted the comment on my article, so unless you just wanted to waste a piece of the blockchain, it's in your interest to be understood.

I could have said what a lot of others say on the site when they don't understand something posted in another language - "English please". Instead I put in a bit of effort and used Google Translate to understand what you meant. I wasn't satisfied the results conveyed what you might have meant.

Perhaps you could return my courtesy and say what you meant.

@kiligirl - Me too waiting for the meaning of 'skil yg mantap kakak' :P

I have a funny feeling we might get old waiting for this revelation...😉