VICISSITUDES OF OUR WORLD ๐ŸŒ The world has become bigger but not better.

in #africa โ€ข 6 years ago


The world has become bigger but not better. More lands have been discovered, uncovered and recovered in the last century than anytime in the history of man, yet more lives are unsheltered. There are more lands but less homes.

Undoubtedly, the world has become richer : the gold mines in South Africa, the diamond fields in North America, the oil fields in Iran, Kuwait and Libya, the natural and the technological resources in Africa and Asia respectfully, yet more people are living poorer

We produce more food but consume less. Hunger kills more people than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined. As a matter of fact; 1 out of 7 people on earth sleeps hungry each night, 925 million people in the world don't eat to be healthy.

The world is soo advanced in technology but knows nothing about theology (God)
In this information age; we access a lot of information but we cannot assess any real transformation.

It is unfortunate!
There are more schools but less teaching
There are more education but less learning
There are more students but less change agents
This our world is in a deplorable state.
Through abortion, we kill our unborn children from existence but save whales from extinction
We desire to potentially live in Mars but cannot live peacefully on earth

Men marry men and divorce women
We are able to stay longer with our pets than with our spouses. Fathers sleep with their daughters; teachers defile their students, and pastors
rape their members. What a world!

The world has indeed changed but not for the better. We used to have love and relationship without sex but now we would be satisfied to have sex without love or relationship.

We used to build homes without houses but now we only build houses with no homes. We used to value health than wealth but now we use all our health to get wealth.

Obviously, we have become smarter but not wiser.
We have more fun but less happiness
We have more mobile phones but less communication..more social media but no society
We even have more religion but we have less of God.And I dare to say that we build more churches but see less changes.

But these problems are not really the real problem, because every problem has a solution. But when the solution to the problem becomes a problem itself, that is a BiG problem.

Put differently, when you have a virus (Trojan horse) on your computer, that is a problem but not really a problem because you can make use of an AntiVirus. But when your AntiVirus (Avast) catches a virus, that is a real problem.

About 108 billion people have lived on earth since creation, every one of these people could have been a solution to their generation but only a handful ever became useful and relevant.

The world has changed but the Creator's purpose still remains the same; every man born on earth has a gift and calling to bless humanity at large.
Please God's agent of change do not change your dream or God's destiny for your life for a life of comfortable mediocrity!

Son of God, creation is earnestly waiting for your manifestation. Become an inspiration and solution to your generation.

In the movie gladiator, Maximus Decimus medus leading his troops into battle declared "What we do in life echoes in eternity". This is a true statement!
Earth suffers and Your contribution matters!

Thank you

Written by: Richmond Perkins
Photo Credit: Jason de Caires, Taylor
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