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RE: African infrastructure development - a nutcracker suite (Part 1 of I'm not sure how many yet)

in #africa7 years ago

@kiligirl, I suppose our own National Development Plan (vision 2030) also speaks to Agenda 2063. The NDP is supported by the Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) which breaks it down into five year chunks. The MTSF has 14 specific outcomes and One talks to infrastructure development. I am not to sure which one but will try to find out. This will give us a South African perspective.


Hi Marcel, thanks for a really interesting comment.

As far as I know, Agenda 2063 was originally informed by the National Development Plans at the time (which as you know are generally on a shorter timeframe than 50 years), as well as the regional development plans prepared by the RECs (which is usually where it goes pear-shaped - ownership at REC level is confusing and it's not clear that they all speak to national or continental level planning) and updated NDPs should be informed by Agenda 2063, and there should be a virtuous circle of convergence on goals, so top down/bottom up/integrative dynamic planning in action.

I think our NDP was developed before Agenda 2063 but could have the timing wrong. I believe the National Planning Commission was in touch with the AUC about Agenda 2063 - Trevor Manuel et al did an excellent job of consultation on putting the plan together.

Agenda 2063 truly has to speak to outcomes rather than to specific structures to be built, and I don't think anyone would be terribly upset if we achieved these outcomes earlier than 2063! 😉

Indeed, RSA's planning framework incorporates the MTSF and the infrastructure related outcome would be an important one for the DBSA to support, amongst other financial partners. Those 5 year plans are much more specific in terms of outputs expected rather than outcomes which are generated by the longer term plans which aggregate the medium term plans. Countries need to budget for specific timeframes in terms of their governance requirements and set up monitoring and evaluation of the outputs produced to check the plans are being implemented, well, as planned.

It will be really interesting if you could post on South Africa's expected MTSF infrastructure outcomes, and how they speak to our own NDP as well as Agenda 2063. 😊😊