There live two friend called Ayinde and Iyanda, who were very happy and living a God fearing life. This two friends are studying pharmacy in one of the best university in Nigeria, they both love their girlfriend so much that the little they had , they use it to satisfy them.
This two friends relationship has now grown to the level of been called fiance, but they are still in school which stop them from making the progress.
On that faithful day, there came Tosin a friend to Iyanda girlfriend, a daughter of a politician which her father is currently an honourable in house of representative; to ask Iyanda, why he so much love his girlfriend and she explain further saying,
TOSIN:: have been giving you signal all this while but you refuse to draw your attention to me
IYANDA:: Am sorry I don't seem's to see you
TOSIN:: Am I not beautiful?
IYANDA:: Yes you are!!
TOSIN :: I want you to leave my friend, let do
things together, I can give you all you
IYANDA:: Smile ; you don't have what my girl
has and you can never do!!
TOSIN :: What did she have , that I don't? is it
my back or my front or is it money.
IYANDA:: Am ashamed of you, please don't call
yourself a friend to my girlfriend again
because you a devil
TOSIN:: Don't worry you will come back for me,
am always here for you.
The next day IYANDA called AYINDE to tell him what happen between him and tosin, so Ayinde advice him, not to tell his girlfriend that he should keep it a secret and also told IYANDA to always ignore tosin everytime he see's her.
Around 6pm in evening when Iyanda was coming back from bible study, he overhead some guys in the street saying that Iyanda is fool to reject honourable daughter, then Iyanda look at them and shake his head.
On getting to the junction of his house, he meet his departmental mate called Benson:
IYANDA:: Benson Benson
Bensnon :: Mangrovy Iyanda
IYANDA:: Which one is mangrovy again?
Benson:: Never mind joor; but have you heard?
IYANDA:: About What?
Benson:: That MMM has crash
IYANDA :: Stop joking with that o, my school fee
is their.
Benson:: Go and read your punch news paper,
you will see
IYANDA:: Yeeee! My school fee
Benson:: You better go and meet the girl you
reject, so that she can help you with
your school fee.
IYANDA:: What did you means? You better
watch your mouth
Benson :: If you know you are tired of God you
better join the devil. "Fool"
IYANDA:: May God forgive you
Benson:: leave my front, am going joor
After about 10minute of working and thinking, he finally got home only to find his door open
Find out what he met in his room in ("Resisting the Devil 2")
Funny Benson, mangrovy, so what next please