No - None of us have time for one on ones - read it here like everyone else.
also flagging for thinly veiled spamming your link.
No - None of us have time for one on ones - read it here like everyone else.
also flagging for thinly veiled spamming your link.
Oh hey i found out hes actually someone trying to just help, he didn't know any better, he has thank yous to me and team ghana and just wants to be n Indonesia ambassador
illlet him slide, i dont wanna hurt the noob lol I honestly believe he doesn't know any better and doesn't understand why his comment would be against our unwritten rules, and I 100% m confident he will follow our wishes now that he knows
Fair point, I'll remind @patrice to remind me to remind her to remind all of us on the air, before her next Trash Talk with @Patrice on the SteemStar Network on Tuesday night ;)
I am' sorry...Ok @sircork..