I feel different.. I feel like I'm changing... I feel my current self slipping into the past and giving way for a new me.
Yes, a new me.. Do I want this new me? is a question I choose not to ask myself because, sincerely, I am not sure.
I know that I am awesome now, and the future me might not be. But this doesn't scare me, because I also believe that the future me can be even better.
I am scared of the future me. Yes, because each man possess just one life.
I channel this my fear into hardwork, strength. I work so hard out of the fear of not being what I would be proud of in the future.
"Is the hard work worth it? ", I ask myself. I know hardwork pays, so it has to be worth it.
Can you believe that I am on almost every social network, every platform that pays???
I have been scammed and my hard earned money taken from me, I have saved and lost it somehow in one investment or the other.
I have tried my best to survive and it was not working out and then I used this statement to comfort myself "it's not yet my turn to earn, that's why karma is stopping me from earning".
I have cried in my heart and almost given up on my future self.
But.. I will never give up, for where there is struggle, there is achievement and I intend to work hard until my struggle produces achievements.
I don't know exactly when this achievements and success would come but one thing is for sure... Until it does, I would never give up on my future self
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