Why the Ivory Coast is sinking and will continue to sink.
It's been 2 years since I came back to my homeland and I am desperate to see such a mess.
The GDP growth rate is one of the most dynamic of the African continent. We builds roads, bridges, the debt is proportionately low compare to other country from the outside everything seems to be ok but it's the trees that conceal the forest
The GDP growth rate (close to 8%) does not reflect the reality. When we looks at these figures, we completely forget that having a significant growth GDP rate after several years of war is simply normal. Like the "30 glorious ones" in Europe, it's the reconstruction of the country, the returns of the foreign investors which favors this rate's growth. This is not about some kind of political vision it's just simply normal.
Unemployment rate is 2% says the government... Just take a walk into the street of Abidjan and ask people if they work on regulate basis, 9 on 10 will tell you they're not. So where does those figures come from ?
Those figures resume the situation here. Fake figures in order to hiding the reality. Here most of the citizen doesn't understand the purpose of paying taxes, having social care, ... So when the government proudly produce figures who doesn't reflect reality most of the decision taken are inefficient.