Hi steemians
We(AFRICANS) had carelessly let the WHITES take away our Culture, Heritage and Self esteem from us to the extent that it now irritates us.
Imagine the rate at which we account to them today, we love 😍 to do what they do, practice what they practice,eat what they eat. We believe everything they do or have is better than ours, so all we love doing is imitate them without improving or developing our Culture.
We refused to be proud of what we have, we don't cherish what belongs to us of which nobody can take from us, if we can make the decision of going back to our abandoned beautiful CULTURE
Africans, we need to wake up from our long time sleep 😴. This was the speech that dismantled everything and we've never regained our strength 💪 till today. 👇👇👇
AFRICA Culture, Moral Values, Self Esteem and Heritage is simply our Backbone, let's cherish and value what we have for it's the best way to regain Africa 🌍 Strength 💪.
Even this people love our Culture that they wished they are Africans.
You are right @aniyikayes3reasure . We need to go back to our origin and retrace our steps, Africans have rich cultural heritage but it is painful that we don't value and appreciate what belong to us. And those that we are trying to copy really appreciate what we have. What an Irony of life.Keep it up sis..
Thanks brother
Whatever what, we should not allow our culture to go into extinct