Lessons From Nature

in #african7 years ago

To start small means to start from where you are with what you have. Every big thing starts small. Every big living organism or organization today started as a seed and grew into an influential giant. Think of life itself. What does it take to produce a human person? The process starts with a couple dreaming of having a child. The man and the woman put together what nature has given each,right from where they are. Conception is bound to take place anywhere as long as these seeds meet at the appropriate period. The man or the woman does not need to borrow any human parts to make a child. The nine-month process will produce all the organs and body parts needed. It is called the law of growth. Everything obeys this law. Once the seed is planted and nurtured, growth is inevitable. The big vision you have is a seed which must undergo the law of growth in order to become a gigantic organization. Every successful leader and organization is a product of the process called growth.

E.W Kenyon wrote, "There is a gold mine hidden in every life. Nature never made a failure. Every man has success hidden away in his life. No one else can find it but himself. He holds the key to the hidden room.
Failure comes because we never sought out the hidden treasure. Failure comes because we tried to find it somewhere else. You can't find it anywhere else. Success, victory and achievement are in you. The exceptional people are those who develop what is within them." You have been equipped for greatness already.
The question is; what do you have in you and around you to start with?