What did Sylvia have to say on the matter?
It's weird how we humans have so little understanding.
Humans... Don't really know anything.
What did Sylvia have to say on the matter?
It's weird how we humans have so little understanding.
Humans... Don't really know anything.
Yes, that is why I talk to spirit guides, my own higher self/soul, and angels to get better understanding. Or meditate to access my inner knowing. My mind and way of thinking is not always as clear and helpful as that direct divine transmission.
Do all people have the ability to speak to their higher selves?
Thanks for your input, I find it to be worthwhile and fascinating.
Yes they do! They simply have to wake up from this illusionary state of mind. It's not necessarily an illusion but there is a consciousness behind the state of thinking. When you shut up and find the silence behind the thought, you may find your true being, the being itself, your higher self.