Age of Kings - Kingdom 23- New alliance to join or recruit new members

in #ageof-kings8 years ago

I have come to accept that some people playing the game Age of Kings, the crypto world, info-tech or they have never saw the movie "Idiocracy" don't share my values. I only desire to establish my libertarian utopia where I can live in peace and enjoy an ice cold beer at my place of choosing. These concepts are anathema to some who believe that society should be ruled by an totalitarian orthodoxy, beer should only be 3.1% let alone allow drive thrus where I can pick up a margarita to go on my way home from the pub.

Log story short, my first Alliance stabbed me in the back. My second never got off the ground and everyone quit when the goin got tough. All that is left is me and a few other, our king overnight abandoned us to the wolves leaving me as the ruler. I have been throwing up since as ruling over others makes me sick. I do think we need some organization if we are to fight back tyranny and make america great again. We can start on Age of Kings. All are welcome to join if you share the goals of liberty, easy access to alcohol, modern civilization and beating the crap of thoes that don't.

I have tried to make the kingdom's various statement consistent with the movie "Idiocracy" since that is the average intelligence level of the player. I am in kingdom 23 and can't change it since I am too far along. The current name of the alliance is "bottom feeders" but would like to change it to something like "linberg's Revenge" which i make reference to in the slogan. I am open to any other changes or if somebody wants to be king. Being king does have responsibilities so keep that in mind. Currently, I am king but would like a more organized person to be. I am on a lot and can offer help and advice to our community and new players. It does take weeks to get up to speed, but it is the most fun I have had in these type of games

So, join the alliance Lin - Bottom Dwellers, My current name is Arch Duke Nava , Coordinates 340,226

If you have a Kingdom already and are looking for new members, I can join