Kimera AGI ICO - The Documentary Series (Part 3)

in #agi7 years ago (edited)


This week, we continue our exploration of the Kimera AGI documentary series.

If you’re new to this documentary series, it is focussed on efforts of Mounir ‘Mo’ Shita (Founder and CEO of Kimera AGI) and his Kimera Systems team, as they endeavour to launch a successful ICO for their Artificial General Intelligence product, code-named “Nigel”, in honour of Nigel Deighton, a mentor, friend and former research partner of Mo.

The progress of the Kimera AGI ICO is being documented by marketing specialists, Tribe Media House (led by Co-Founder and CEO, Faris Mubarak), who have been given the task of following the Kimera AGI team as they go about the business of raising awareness and funds for the Nigel AGI project.

The documentary series will record the efforts of the team, from it’s origins through to one year after the ICO Tokensale is completed, in an effort to show the world what it takes to create a successful ICO.

For those of you who missed Parts 1 or 2 of this article series, they can be found here:

This week, we’re looking at Episodes #10 though #12 (the final episode of Season 1), and a synopsis of each episode is provided below, along with a link to the related video.

Let’s dig in…

Episode 10 - Creative AI

Mounir tells us that the Nigel core algorithm is in the process of getting a big upgrade, which will mean that Nigel will be constantly thinking, instead of only when asked to think by a device or agent. It is hoped this will not only improve the overall quality of the intelligence, but will also make Nigel more responsive and creative.

The community is asked to come up with possible Use Cases for Nigel and to share them in the Telegram chat:

Episode 11 - Airdrop Antics

The team work late into the night as they discuss the proposed benefits and token costs of conducting an Airdrop program. A little craziness ensues.

We find out that Kimera’s Head of Marketing, Adam Peer, is relocating from Portland to New York.

Episode 12 - Season 1 Finale

Mounir, Faris and Jordyn arrive in London, and immediately “strike” transport troubles in their efforts to continue with their connecting flight to Switzerland.

Mounir discusses the importance of why they have travelled to Europe, including an upcoming presentation at the University of Lichtenstein on the Kimera project and their partnership with the University.

There are little ‘Easter Eggs’ at the end of each episode - usually some outtakes or other funny piece. Be sure to watch this episode right to the very end, as the Easter Egg is far more significant.


The White Paper gives lots more info:

The YouTube channel:

I had originally planned to hold off doing this third review article until episode #14 was released, but as the documentary series is being broken into seasons, it makes sense to wrap up season 1 separately, and then recommence reviewing 4 episodes per season once season two has progressed to that point.

If you’re looking for other article reviews by this author, please check out this Telegram channel

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