Divide and Conquer strategies are working over time with this situation.
Anyways, I like that angle you showed about the "Parkers". They do that a lot.
Paddock = field Campos = Field Steve Stephens killed and old man Stephen Paddock is an old man, Jesus Campos saved people, Jesus Christ is a savior. And on and on.
These connections however do not make the entire event a hoax.
But what it does do is polarize the truth community. It creates division and that is the ultimate goal to divide the people and have them fighting among themselves.
Just because the Media has not released any footage or pictures of the dead or wounded does not mean there were none. False Flags does not mean nobody died. It has a purpose and one of them is to galvanize the masses into sparring corners, while the real things that we need to be addressing go unattended to.
We will sit in front of our computers dissecting "released" footage of Crisis actors who are so ridiculous it ain't funny, but they are supposed to be ridiculous, they are mocking us and getting a big kick out of muddying the waters so we don't know which way is up. It's sort of the whole thing about there being "NO PLANES" and ignoring the masterminds behind the plot and how come the towers turned to dust.
This event is moving us into the same Twilight Zone that the whole Pizzagate has done. Then the PTB retaliate by shutting down more and more channels, censoring more and more YouTube content, perpetrating economic warfare on the YouTube Creators who have worked for years building an audience and turning this platform into a full time job, discouraging folks from producing more content, harassing folks to pay for something they got for free, and on and on.
They knew they could not shut the Internet down directly but one of the agendas that come out of this "Nobody Died Narrative" is that they will have ample reason to shut us down, one by one, till they have wiped clean the entire YouTube platform in favor of the Real Fake News.
I suggest we assume that this event was real and staged at the same time. That unless we were there and have actual proof that no one died, that we do like they do and say all of the above.
Remember, the masterminds of these events try to cover all the bases as they are aware that everything moves in a circular fashion, which is why the names repeat themselves. Those are the winks they give to each other. So we have to broaden our vision as well and do our level best to encompass the many possible scenarios, instead of narrowing it down to just one
The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.
- Albert Einstein