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RE: Rejoice! The Agora is Growing!

in #agorism5 years ago

The reality is that unless we oppose Technocracy successfully as a society, society will be subjected to it, rendered hapless and destitute, and only those that adopt decentralized means of production sufficiently stealthily will not be desperate slaves, overlords, or minions of overlords.

I strongly advocate adopting decentralized means of production because it resists centralization of wealth and power at all levels, from global to personal.

It will be very, very difficult to have independent means in a technocratic tyranny of global extent, but it will be less difficult than being a slave. Independent means is the only definition of wealth that's real.




We can demand nothing if we cannot provide our personal security.

Being able to demand is dependent on the ability to effect what we demand. We cannot demand what we cannot create, so intend to provide what you seek to enjoy. As you demonstrate the benefits thereof, I reckon folks will adopt it for those benefits.

Those terms are unfamiliar to me, and I suppose most folks as well. We'll probably proceed based on understanding of what we need being provided by examples we can observe. I recommend creating examples we can judge accordingly.

RCV in 2 minutes,

Votes only count when they're counted. I ain't counting on my votes counting in extant polities, regardless of how they are claimed to count.

We're not going to be voting in the coming door to door distribution of mandatory vaccines by military forces. The ballot box won't matter. Only the bullet box will.

Good point. "TWO PARTY" = ONE PARTY.


In 18 minutes, or just watch the first few minutes,

We can demand nothing if we cannot provide our personal security.

Not necessarily,

In 3 minutes,

I don't recommend neglecting security. I ain't Gandhi, and this ain't the summer of love.

When it comes time to take the bull by the horns, be the bull.

With impending chaos on the horizon, "anarchy" (individualism) is looking less and less appealing. I'm seriously considering joining either a mormon church or a motorcycle club.

Remember that it's easier to hit bigger targets.

Yeah, but I'm not sure I'm going to be able to live off sorrel, bok choy, dandelions, sunflower seeds, and sweet potato leaves.

I'm thinking something like this,

what are decentralized means of production?
all means of production seem centralized to me.. cuz they are just at one place, which can be raided and people there punished.. like with weed..

An example of decentralized means of production are guerrilla gardens, such as I have growing innawoods. If I am prevented entry to grocery stores, I will still have access to those gardens, creating independent means of supplying my needs.

Any means of producing a good or service you can control yourself is decentralized. Your ability to secure your home is critical to your ability to have personal means of production in your home. Security is the hurdle you must surmount to possess means of production, and therefore the most important aspect of decentralization you can adopt.

You have discussed your desire to live nomadically, and the ability to provide goods and services in such conditions is limited by the need for mobility. I recognize that living in an apartment in a city is practically impossible to secure from armed assault, and this is a significant recommendation of nomadic habit.

Securing our freedom will not be easy. We each must manage our personal security and our success as individuals concatenates with that of our peers to produce free society. Your personal circumstances depend on you, and cannot be provided for you, or prescribed from a list. Your decisions are the source of your actions, not my preferences.

What you ensure will be available to you, in terms of goods and services, will be available to you, but more than that I cannot be sure you will have available. Therefore I have recommended undertaking means of personally producing goods and services necessary to you. That is exactly the definition of decentralized means of production I use.

A 3d printer you own and can keep is a decentralized means of production of widgets. A garden that is productive and you can access is decentralized means of production. A grocery store you can be excluded from, or a hardware store you cannot buy widgets from is not decentralized means of production.

That is what I mean.

I don't even have a home atm..
and I don't think I would find good "uncultivated" spots which are also a bit hidden for guerilla growing.. I'm from germany.. and everything is overcultivated (and forests dying cuz of it - monocultures everywhere)
I also think one needs to be kinda static (to have a secure home) and simultaneously mobile (to get to all those different ninja grow spots).. while I have my oldtimer enduro, I'm not allowed to drive it cuz I had used cannabis against my permanent pain

but yeah, I'm on your page and am really thinking hard to plan my way..
I'm not even sure anymore if I still want to get educated for a job in germany (you have to cuz of all those regulations), while I prefer learning autodidactic/ teaching myself.. but yeah there is a war against decentralized people like us

Physics is the ultimate arbiter of what works better than other things. Decentralization works better.

Adopting means of production you can use yourself will be better than dedicating your production to overlords that then provide the goods you need, maybe. History reveals that overlords have destroyed peoples' gardens and starved them to death in the Holodomor, Mao's great leap forward, and Stalin's purges, amongst other horrific atrocities.

It is necessary to undertake independent means independently, and cryptically.

We do not undertake to keep our access to videogames or beer, but the necessities of life itself, and the blessings of civilization. It's not going to be easy. It's probably going to be called a crime.

Do it anyway, and live.

A corporate fast food chain is centralized because a CEO can directly control hundreds of thousands of individuals.

A family owned restaurant is decentralized because each location is owned by a real person.