Agriculture is the activity of the utilization of biological resources made man to produce food, industrial raw materials, or energy sources, and to manage the environment.
1.The utilization of biological resources included in agriculture commonly understood by people as cultivation or cultivation (crop cultivation) as well as the enlargement of farm animals (raising),
although the scope may also be the utilization of microorganisms and bioenzimes in the processing of advanced products, such as cheese and tempeh, or mere extraction, such as fishing or forest exploitation.
The lion's share of the world's population is livelihoods in fields in agriculture, but agriculture accounts for only 4% of the world's GDP. The history of Indonesia since the colonial period until now can not be separated from the agricultural and plantation sectors, because these sectors have a very important meaning in determining the formation of various economic and social reality of society in various parts of Indonesia.
Based on data from BPS in 2002, agriculture in Indonesia provides employment for about 44.3% of the population despite contributing only 17.3% of total gross domestic product.
Groups of agricultural sciences review agriculture with the support of its supporting sciences. Since agriculture is always tied to space and time, supporting sciences, such as soil science, meteorology, agricultural engineering, biochemistry, and statistics are also studied in agriculture.
Now has achieved maximum success in agriculture.
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nice post