in #agriculture5 years ago

Since the beginning of mankind man has constantly searched for food in his environment. By tilling and cultivating the ground he had unknowingly practiced agriculture. Now one will agree with me that agriculture is just as old as man.


Agriculture is the totality of activities and events taking place in keeping both plants and animals for the benefit of man. Agriculture is divided into several areas which includes Crop science, Animal husbandry, Horticulture, Fisheries, Agricultural extension and management, forestry and wildlife management, plant science and biotechnology, Animal and environmental biology, etc.

However, Agriculture has contributed immensely to the well-being of man. Some of the importance of agriculture to man includes

SOURCE OF FOOD - Food crops, vegetables, fruits,Animal meat and eggs all serve as source of food.

SOURCE OF INCOME - Animal and plant products are sold to generate income.

INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION PURPOSES - Hides and skin from animal are used for making leather, shoes, bags and other accessories. Cotton wool is also gotten from animal fur.

TOURISM - plant and animal reserves, nature parks all serve as places for tourist view.

SOURCE OF MEDICINE - some species of plant serve for medicinal purposes.

Lastly, generally agriculture enhances national development by creating job opportunities and means of exchange.

Nevertheless, Agriculture has been posed with lots of challenges in recent times. Key issues affecting agricultural development includes

  • Poor funding
  • Lack of land for agricultural practices
  • Unavailability of access road
  • Poor transportation
  • Poaching
  • Excess exploitation of natural resources by the government
  • Environmental conditions like flooding, landslide, erosion, bush burning, desertification etc.

In conclusion I would like to say that agriculture is the soul of man. Virtually everything we eat is gotten from agriculture and without agriculture man will starve.