This is the daily AgX chart for today 2018-02-24.
Today's AgX factor is 0.92 for a STEEM/SBD ratio of 0.87.
What is AgX?
The Mayer's multiple (200 days moving average of the BTC/USD price) is known to be a good indicator of the BTC price evolution.
AgX aims to be a similar indicator regarding the STEEM/SBD ratio, in order for users to find the right moment to exchange their SBD for STEEM at the best possible rate.
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Still waiting for a decent time to cut SBD over to Steem. Looks like I’ll be waiting a while longer yet.
I like you aggroed, but seriously, this is a totally useless post.
Its a freaking 200 moving average. There is nothing specially about It.
Also, a 200 SMA is a Trend indicator, not an indication If price evolution (whatever that is)
And whoever this Mayer i wouldnt believe a Guy that put his name on something that is so commonly known and used on the Trading world.
Come on man... I know you can do better.
I recentes wrote an article about moving averages. Take a look If you want.
What i see you doing here is the same as a lot of users that do a "daily update" on a crypto.
Damn, there is at least 100 ways to check a market price (i recommend then why the fuck people upvote these posts?
Please aggroed, dont start doing bullshit posts Just because you are fully dedicate to steem now.
Dont lose a follower...
AgX is wonderful indicator for steamians. Thanks for sharing informative blog.
very nice story dear @aggroed...
Do you have any other comrahansive documents on agx?
excellent analysis..
i always hope it from you.
Wow likes your post .. happy reading it .. really amazing ... thanks for sharing on a good day.
I like to read every post you .. I also learn a lot about steemit from every post you. Whether it's writing or photos. Thank you steemians ..
It's an honor for me if you visit my blog..
Good post my friend, thank you for post
This is geniall! I'll start looking for agx to use in my predictions, thank you.
Very interesting post...
This is nice, i sense a gradual increase from the chat. Hopefully next week's market would be better. I hope for favourable changes
very nice
Good work there. Way to make more money 💰.
Good post
Hi @aggroed vote back please. We followed each other but not vote..
Wonderful AgX chart. . Great analysis!! I'm honestly saying, I'm waiting for your post. Because I'm new steemians. I do not know much about this platform . . I think your post's updated news is a blessing for our steemians
Good news
That's amazing, please follow, resteem, and vote me @ zhy01. I will also do that to you friend. Thank you:)
That's amazing, please follow, resteem, and vote me @ zhy01. I will also do that to you. Thank you:)
Is this in it beta stage?
had no clue about this , ill research about it a bit and consider the metrics before i make any exchange.
thanks for sharing
I hope stay all time up
Thanks for the information sir....
Good post guys. thank you for post
Hello friend of Steemit, Very good publication! I would appreciate a lot if you follow me in my account, @nicolasags14 I am new and it would not be bad a little help, Thanks!
important something like this might help a lot
so is this the moment to exchange SBD for steem, looks a little flat?