in #aha8 years ago

"We do not remember days, we remember moments." -- Cesare Pavese



Ah yes.., definitive (or defining) moments… Those moments in life that smack you in the face and straighten your frame. Moments like these, will define who you are.., and require you to be definitive --

Put up, or shut up!

They don't show up everyday.., put when they do, unless you are on some good sedatives -- you know.., this is big… While some of these moments we can see coming (which by no means lessens there effect) -- being the first person in your family to graduate college, buying your first home.., things like that -- moments that will shape your life.

But definitive moments come in all shapes and sizes.., and some will come completely out of the blue, when you least expect it -- should you split those 7's, chase after that girl, accept that proposal.. It's 3-balls, 2-strikes, bottom of the 9th inning, the fate of the World Series is completely in your hands… Millions of eyes staring, awaiting the outcome.., holding their very breath, waiting to see if, as Mr. Whitman said himself -- will you let this moment define you, or will you define this moment…

"Either define the moment or the moment will define you."
-- Walt Whitman

And there are no mistaking these moments, either -- every cell in your freaking being, is standing at attention… And although they are completely as different, as the person experiencing them.., they are unique in the way they make us feel -- the adrenaline that comes with such a gargantuan moment is pumping, the euphoria that comes with that -- Aha! moment…

Normally, reactions and feelings will come from a certain part of the brain, whichever is attributed to handling those specific reactions… But during one of these, defining moments in your life.., your whole brain is on fire -- there are all kinds of neural activity and interactions that have not been typically seen…


The AHA Moment

The epiphanies experienced with these moments can completely turn your life around.., and increase your sense of life's purpose -- the intense good feelings that are exploding all throughout your entire being.., feels freaking good. Whether you just reached the peak of Mount Everest.., or beat pack an addiction -- a good ol' epiphany will rock your world. And does not only contain the power to transform your life, but the lives of the people around you…

When epiphanies are simulated in a lab to study there effects… Subjects are given a difficult problem to solve -- seconds before they are aware of the solution, the turn off all unrelated thinking, even reduce visual activity.., and focus all their attention inward -- and BAM an intense awareness about something, you were previously not aware of -- AHA!

"I'll never forget it, that moment changed my life…"
-- most of us

The insight gained and obtained from these definitive moments can be life changing… Maybe that's why some people refer to them as -- life-changing moments. But along with all those major career achievements, weddings, awards, births and graduations -- there will be slightly more subtle definitive moments in your life, that you must recognize just the same…

The fact that they are more subtle, does not make any less important… They will determine whether you are the type of person to "rise to the occasion" or "turn and run." Do you want the ball in your hands with only seconds left on the clock.., or better yet, do other people want the ball in your hand, with the game on the line… These "moments" will define that for you -- get it now -- defining moments…

In these moments.., we are evolving into something different than we were before -- something better. Transcending yourself and feeling connected to a, whole -- almost like some sort of union. Maybe it's because most people will have these definitive moments -- they will experience the adrenaline -- the rush. The overwhelming euphoria. And just like you did, when push came to shove -- defined the moment, instead of it defining you… These are moments that will be remembered!

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Serendipity, bliss in sychronicity, epiphany, they are all moments lived through the open hearts and minds of the ones choosing to allow it to happen.When do we take time for bliss? When do we allow ourselves to listen to synchronicity and flow with it? the waters of our minds and hearts must be calm for us to see through the be able to see our reflection allowing us to know the difference, when there's one...

Thanks for this beautiful piece, it is refreshing on a Friday afternoon before doing laundry. Namaste :)

Always love these comments... Thanks @eric-boucher!

Truth be known, most of the defining moments (I like to call them "crystal moments" for their clarity) in my life haven't really been evident to me till some time later when I looked back on a particular experience or period of time in my life. At the actual time of experience... they were "just another fork in the road," but when I look back I can see their importance...

Beautiful and thoughtful post... thanks!

Ah -- the "hindsight" defining moment... :))

Cheers @denmarkguy

Only in reflection can something be defined. Let the moment consume you until you are one with it and what will be will be.

Very beautiful words of wisdom, highly appropriate for the topic. Much gratitude flowing your way. Namaste :)

Sounds good to me...

Woe, $4.90 in just 15 minutes... How did that happen so fast?