
So, I think I'd go to ChatGPT first and if the result is good enough, then I can skip Bard.

Seeing the development of the AI, probably it is good to check other solutions from time to time. Probably there will be better solutions over time. And probably the ChatGPT and the Bard will also be improved over time. And the results can also be different from task to task. There could be tasks, in which Bard is (or will be) better than ChatGPT. After all, it is an expressedly experimental conversational AI service.

Things are moving so fast. The competition must be intence.

Interesting. Rehived.


AI is everything these days wow 😮
🥦 !HUG 🥦

@mizuosemla, sorry!

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bard is really good, due it is free i like more bard than chatgpt

I think it's still useful. As tbey try to outdo each other, i hope we all benefit from it.

It's good to do comparison to whether there are much difference. From your research, I believe there are not much difference though they varies.

I think they have different strengths. So, sometimes have to try both

tried one of the graphic art ones they turn out some interesting stuff lol

I was wanting to try mid-journey but having been busy. I tried bit of dall-e and craiyon but I don't have fancy requires and then came along which works well for occasional needs. Now, I just prompt the bing chat directly. It generates 4 images for review quite well.