Artificial Unintelligence

in #ailast year

(Let me know if You have a motherboard for this beauty to give away for free...)

My mind is still reverberating from the impact my use of Chat GPT had. It is however advisable to hold on to the fact that there is a protound difference of letting "AI" 'write' content for personal gains without having to actually write anyting - and the utilization of AI where it probably matters the most: aiding in the treatment of neurological disorders. But You can be sure that the more sinister and indeed very problematic use of AI by the military, intelligence and a plethora of other federal agencies is well under way. Depending on how old You are, You may or may not remember the story that had humanity at the edge of its seat, where service men were to be replaced by "a machine", "a computer" and in a showdown of sorts, human attention, focus and "guts" faired much better during simulated situations.

Do You remember "shock and awe"? Iraq will be forever assossiated with it. Ukraine has also reserved its place in human history, when AI controlled hypersonic missiles and drone swarms enter the battle field. As a cold war child, You would grow older because of "MAD", so those behind it said. Mutual Assured Destruction" allowed the baby boomers to reach retirement age. With only few changes over the last seven decades, the second decade of the twentyfirst century saw the introduction of a new generation of arms on global battlefields. You are likely aware of all the good stuff that is now carted towards to the front lines? And obliterated when the time is ripe? There were a numbers of articles about the blown up weapons depots that contained King Charles' contributions to the terracide that is unfolding in Ukraine. As it stands now, the nasty nano particles that were generated in the destruction of the depots are in an Irony of the Century worthy fashion going where they came from. Worry not, though. Nothing to worry about. The beer in Bavaria was also never radioactive after Chernobyl.

This chain of thought included the discovery of the extend to which AI is already used in the Ukraine conflagration. It is helpful to picture where AI is used already: scanning and analyzing all available (relevant) satellite data over a specific area. In the old days, people would look at whatever imagery was involved. Look for changes. Now, AI means that whatever a human being can see on the screen - is already part of the information the AI has about the situation. What the human being has to discover, has already been detected by AI and is therefor displayed. The eye meets the image - AI has already all the data about it. Think about the newest chess program. Have You played against one of the better ones? It was frustrating to realize that I could never win against this computer program. In a way, we were given an outlook truly back to the future with the movie "Wargames", were a "Deep Thought"/HAL like artificial intelligence was in the process of playing through various thermonuclear war scenarios. Fortuitous as humanity is, the machine figured out, that You cannot win a thermonuclear war. However, just like the personell of the Dr. Strangelove program - some are really into all this destruction. And AI might help them to keep going.

My idea of AI operated intelligence can't be too far off from what is going on there. Not only is every square inch of the area available in the visible spectrum - there is a sensor for everything. AI is then used to analyze the available data in real time. This is the kind of AI that comes to my mind when I hear the acronym. There are however so many ways in which AI is used, that a number of these applications are indeed detrimental to being "human". Actually, it helped to get a little bit deeper into what could become problematic for all of humanity. Then there is this idea to let the horse race by creating a section in the hive that is created by AI - it takes after all a human being to trigger the process. Funds could be generated to really explore the consequences of the intrusion of inorganic intelligence into the human consciousness (even more so in absence of such). This You can always be sure of: it's all human here, with all the possible consequences.

All the best.


The use of AI in the Ukrainian conflict had not occured to me yet you are no doubt correct. What had surprised me about the conflict is how the new air defences (probably powered a great deal by AI as you suggest) has turned the battlefield into something reminiscient of WWI... trench warfare. Perhaps when the dust settles and the staggering human cost to the new warfare is exposed it may give all involved a reminder of the devastating cost and nature of trench/artillery warfare so that we might be more reluctant to follow that route.

On a more positive note, my hope is that this comment finds you well and that peace shall be achieved in Ukraine at the earliest.

Seeing Your name puts a smile on my face. Things are beyond words right now. But yes, in a discussion a while ago I dubbed images from Ukraine as "WWI In Color". The destruction is unimaginable. There were spots that reminded me of Dresden after the criminal fire bombing.
Quo vadis, Homon Sapiens?

Changes galore and I very much appreciate the ones to the better. Although a proverb comes to mind, stating that "the more things change - the more they stay the same"...


Enjoy Your springtime!