
Maybe only the artists know the difference , energetically .
The ones who use AI feel like they win something but they really sell their soul by clicking on " i accept the terms " button ...
i am happy to enjoy being a real artist and i congratulate you for your cool art 🤍

, real Art will always be visible

then, there is no need to ban AI art, is there?

I don't get the logic of this point of view, @captainklaus 🙏

If real art will be always visible, AI can't be a thread, can it?

Just to be clear: As an artists I even go to the length and try NOT TO HAVE ANY AI ART EVER REFLECT ON MY RETINA. I do not like it, and the way it's going.

But I am of the strong conviction that a blanket ban of anything backfires wildly. I find it sad that in many fields this is the way things are handled by the powers that be.

I would be happy if AI generated content would be marked as such (a bit like NSFW). Beyond that, I can take care of myself.

"...a blanket ban of anything backfires..."

Pretty sure black markets prove your point.

Nobody has here nothing against real art - real art is fine, no doubt. But, the "real" art is not the only art we should use.

Art has broad definition, and broad meaning - no matter how you do that art - it is art.

If I don't like real art, that's my own decision to do so, but, I don't stop you to make your art, how ever you want, using, pen, oil, whatever.

But you will stop me to use whatever I want, for example, I will use AI to create my art. If you or someone don't like it, should not upvote my creations, and that's all. If I don't like oil art, I don't vote on them, and don't go to such profiles to look such art. You and other (HW team) should do the same - but not using the delegated HP power of users to abuse users who use AI to create art.

But HW team is banning and blacklisting user who use AI to create art, and that is not ok, and that is the problem here - and not that art.