Let's face it: the Income Gap Between Rich And Poor Grows To Record Level, the rich will get first this technology, and this means that technology will spread the new racism. And billions of people will be left behind. The tech revolution is utterly deceptive because it never was designed for Mankind's greater good but the control by and for the very few. The brain interface was pedaled as an utopia, using immortality as a bait, but since the vast majority of the population can't even fathom Objective Reality, AI will be the absolute trap.
Survival is an issue for AI, keep that in mind! And since the majority is not aware of what AI's true origins, it is going to gobble up society into its synthetic reality. And there won't be any way back. The non-human takeover is getting another step closer.
That is a short blog but with lots of data to digest.
Most People Don't Even Realize What's Coming (24mins)
Intel: Chips in brains will control computers by 2020, Brain waves will replace keyboard and mouse, dial phones and change TV channels
This means that if brains can control computers, the internet can control brains, it works both ways.
What Do Cryptocurrencies And Earth Being Terraformed by Non-Humans Have In Common?
AI For The Betterment Of Mankind.... Or Perpetual Warfare?
Technological Immortality, Think Again? What Musk And Kurzweil Don't Say And Why Does It Matter
Binary & Trinary Systems in the Matrix, Reality Is Now Stranger Than Science-Fiction
The AI Paradox: Ready To Die To Attain Immortality And The Only Move Possible To Save Humanity
From Programmable Matter To *BLACK Goo* , The Sentient Substance
The metaphysics of the Earth Custodians Movement is The Spiritual Science Of Vibration
Well, thank you for insulting the majority of your readers by saying they can't comprehend objective reality. That certainly deserves an upvote. You post pseudoscience bullshit everyday as if it was reality, and you say they have the problem? lolz
And you seem to be one of those who are unable to comprehend objective reality. The post is not saying people can't comprehend, it's state that they don't comprehend. It's not saying given the correct information they would still not understand it. What I don't understand is if, as you say
Why do you read it everyday?
Live simply so others can simply live.
but since the vast majority of the population can't even fathom Objective Reality
Looks like the word can't is right in there. Read much?
I am here to enlighten those who might get sucked into this nonsense.
If that is true then you should give information supporting your beliefs. What is not needed is your insults.
If there is any possibilities to make all this open source and avaiable to everyone - it's a duty to do to all of us. Even if that means a big war between riches and poor.
I agree if the code could be made open source (making the code available for the inspection of all) it would be good. But as stated in the video if it contains A.I., then most likely it will not be possible to open the source. The reason being as soon as the software goes online it will get upgraded by the software itself. And what happen with the A.I. in the facebook experiment will happen again. (ie. No human will be able to read it)
as I posted about in 2015
A.I. Without-human-intervention
What is needed is for more people to understand what is at stake. More stories like this. http://geneticmemory.org/index.php/techtalk/97-a-i-without-human-intervention?highlight=WyJjb21wdXRlcnMiXQ==
This Smart AI Can Now Steal Code to Write Its Own Programs We’re not worried, honest.
A.I. With an Attitude!
Building The Forbin Project (SKY-NET)
will read all this tomorrow... thanks for sharing