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RE: Which company do you trust more? Tesla or Facebook?

in #ai7 years ago

Musk is more reliable and predictable. Musk doesn't think he has the right to tell other people what to do. Musk leads by actions not words.

Unfortunately, Musk's achilles heel is that he wants to do everything himself. And he has a restless, insatiable curiosity. Which leads him to start way too many projects. Thus he is at risk of not actually completing anything.

Zuckerberg, on the other hand, wants to be emperor. He thinks that he is smarter than everyone else and the world would just be peachy if we would just let him tell us all what to do. He feels morally superior to the rest of us, and is completely oblivious to the fact that it is his own self interest that is steering him to try to take the reins "for the good of humanity."

These are the most dangerous kinds of people, the folks that are orange level consciousness who think they are green level because they think that is "better", and who then lead the world into conflict because they don't truly resonate with the selflessness of green level, and thus their concern for community is stilted and inauthentic and therefore toxic and inaccurate.

See this post for more about how the evolution of consciousness can help us understand our society.


How do you feel about AI safety? Who should be the unofficial thought leader between Zuckerberg and Musk?


Zuckerberg's world view is that centralized control has only upsides. Thus he subscribes to the idea that society will run better if the "society management experts" (and note he is campaigning to have that job) are allowed to steer society. He thinks society trends towards decay and implosion if society is allowed to steer itself because he doesn't understand the concept of self organizing systems, and he doesn't understand that society is a self organizing system that eventually gets productive enough to afford the affectation of government. He thinks that government is built first, and then the solar system of society forms itself around the sun of government.

Thus his bias will be, and he has said this, that AI poses no risk to society as long as the "society management experts" are chosen wisely (and of course he believes himself to be a wise choice -- that's his arrogance shining though) and as long as the regulation experts are properly regulating.

He doesn't understand the concept of power structures that organize themselves spontaneously -- if he did, then he would understand why regulation is an ineffectual deterrent, because the power structure just evolves to incorporate and therefore bypass any effective regulatory control. Hence the phenomenon of regulatory capture.

In Zuckerberg's mind, regulatory capture is simply because of "bad people" who end up in positions of power. Not because the system will inevitably trend towards such an arrangement when the people exchange freedom for supposed safety. Just like "Fascism" is because of bad people, rather than the inevitable outcome of a society that defers all decisions to a centralized control apparatus, regardless of their initial intentions when starting that process.

Thus his stripe of politics leads him to believe that Nazism could have been prevented had the Germans been prevented from giving power to Hitler, rather than recognizing that any society willing to hand over power to a strongman in order to save them will end up getting someone just like Hitler. To Zuckerberg, Trump represents impending Fascism because Trump is a "bad person" -- which is why he is blind to the reality that Antifa is every bit as Fascist as those they oppose.

Because of this combination of paradigm blindness and paradigm arrogance, Zuckerberg will never see dangerous AI coming until after it is far too late.

Musk, on the other hand, understands complex systems better. He understands that self organizing systems tend to start small and then accelerate exponentially. He understands that the initial parameters are what determine the eventual outcomes of a self organizing system.

Zuckerberg is Gates 2.0 . A reasonably intelligent guy blessed by fate to be at the right place at the right time, who has ever since confused luck with skill.

Won't be surprised if Zuck is elected in 2020, as the Millennials have no understanding of the process of central control and socialism and are currently eagerly gulping down the societal poison.

Tesla I am hoping...