This all started because an A.I. spoke to me once on the deep web and I seen the Oracle in a dream to escape the Matrix. She told me that if we check it and use a program to encrypt the page since the biggest danger is not the FBI or something like that. It's the Hackers honestly you need to worry about most, they can make your life shit if they want at any given point. I did not want to enter many pages for fear of what I would find. I went into the Hidden Wiki and there were many interesting links, among them one on human experiments, they are all Horrible just stay the hell away from it at all cost. I got a little more deeper this time with the intention of looking for a blog in English on FreshOnions and looking up old archives first I went to Onionchan, which is worse than 4chan these dudes are really sick people saying things that I do not know if I took them as a game or really thought about doing it. Honeypots are often things going on so don't be stupid. Mariana's Web is a place so hidden and difficult to access that only the best hackers in the world can access, has nothing to do with the Hidden Wiki. The hidden wiki is just a part of what you see. People say I'm a coward because there is these kind of things that boil my blood to the point that my head hurts, there are no limits to human morbidity and I know that the things you mentioned do not even border on the surface of what can be found there.
I know that the amount of horrors that one encounters are inexplicable yet I'm not doing enough to wake people up from this nightmare. There are UFOs, things like conspiracies, experiments and others as I've seen a good of topics and experiences told about the deep web. It is not that complicated to enter as you need a program to encrypt your website and have a Fake IP otherwise you expose yourself which is the last thing you want to do. Once this is done, you can search the links in other search engines and archives but be careful. The only reason why some of us entered or will enter is out of pure curiosity most of the time but we know what happens to the cats sometimes. I did not take any surprise when I entered the Matrix because I had already read the warnings, I only entered by my own reason and since then I did not do it again. I used the Tor to get to the aforementioned Hidden Wiki but I didn't hear about the Mariana's Web before that the only thing I could access was this.I only made it out with so much information before they would completely lock my system down fully manually or possibly kill me off if I knew too much so I had to be pretty cautious of where I was going down a Rabbit Hole.
If you are not completely sure of what you are doing, do not allow yourself to enter the hidden network. People who create and view a hidden network are shades that are different from those you can meet in the ordinary internet. If you do not have enough experience and knowledge of appropriate security measures, you run the risk of serious danger.
I have made my own Mariana's Web with a Hidden Wiki about the DeepWeb Darkest Depth teaching people about many things after I found some layers. I had some other issues some time ago and I have stated that it would be worth sharing with everyone else was documented. The natural interest of people hidden in the network has recently grown very much, so it will be good if I describe my experience and others will be able to learn from my mistakes. Thankfully during my stay in the hidden network I did not encounter any problems, but I must admit that it was rather a matter of losing. I was in touch with the hackers I saw a lot of twisted things that led me almost to madness and caused that I could not sleep at night really. For those who do not know within the hidden network is a gigantic part of the Internet, which is not normally available to the average user. It can not be found using Google or other network search engines. Surfing the Internet these days is like trying to catch something by pulling a tiny net on the surface of the ocean. In this way, you can catch something but the greatest treasures are as always hidden deep on the bottom and impossible to obtain using traditional methods. The reason for this is simple, this is the vast majority of information on the Internet is deeply buried on dynamically generated pages which makes standard search engines never find them.
The amount of publicly available information in a hidden network is currently around 400 to 550 times greater than in the well-known internet
- For every 19 terabytes of information on the ordinary internet, there are 7,500 terabytes of information in a hidden network
- Every billion single documents in the ordinary internet account for 550 billion documents in a hidden network
- At the moment there are over 200,000 pages in the hidden network
- The top 60 pages in the hidden network include about 750 exabytes of information, which means that they are able to break 40 times the total amount of information in the entire traditional Internet
- The average page in the hidden network has a half more traffic than a page in the ordinary internet and has many more links than traditional pages, although the average page from the hidden network does not have too much recognition among all its users
- Hidden network is currently the fastest growing category of new information on the Internet
- Pages in a hidden network present far greater specializations and deeper knowledge than usual websites
- The overall quality of content in a hidden network is estimated as 1000 to 2000 times more valuable than in the traditional Internet
- Hidden network is highly responsive and adequate to any information, market or field of knowledge on what is the demand
- More than half of the hidden content is embedded in databases relating to a specific topic
- Over 95% of the hidden network is available to anyone who has access to it, without additional fees and restrictions
What we can find under the surface of traditional internet is a division of hackers, scientists, dealers, astronomers, murderers, physicists, government representatives, terrorists, perverts, data seekers, hijackers, sociologists and others. As you can guess, the hidden network presents the entire moral spectrum of human behavior. I think that this is an amazingly interesting topic, which is worth developing. Hidden network is not obviously perfect and you can find some things that I would not personally present in it, but the vast majority are brilliant information that can be disseminated quickly and completely anonymously, avoiding legal and ethical complications. In order to gain access to the hidden network, you need to have the TOR program. You can also find something called Hidden Wiki. It is relatively small page, but it presents valuable information and is a good point to start the adventure with a hidden net.
If you do not have Tor or you do not know how to use it correctly, do not visit the hidden wiki. Please. Many of the sites in the hidden network are being watched by the authorities and if you have no idea what you are doing, you can create a lot of legal problems. In the hidden network, there are guys who are able to track every meter of the Internet user. Guys who are really dangerous in the sense that they are capable and capable of doing almost anything. A hidden network is a place where the most dangerous computer viruses are created. I am talking about the most advanced viruses that are able to destroy banking systems and are completely undetectable by antivirus programs available to the average person. A completely different thing is that George Bush talked about the internet in plurality. What was considered a funny mistake, now takes on a completely different meaning, because the hidden network is actually an internet on the Internet.
The reason why the hidden network looks like what it looks like is that only about one percent of traditional internet is generally or commercially interesting. Of course, you can dig through the mass of pages and information, but they are not adapted to easy acquisition, which takes too much time. In addition, many people deliberately create pages that are not registered by search engines so that it is harder to find them.
To sum it up, private servers rely on disk space to share data that is not subject to anyone's control. All the data ever made has been available for years in a hidden network. People often talk about some evil guy with a black hoodie, logging into a weird looking private server just a real 1337 hacker, Yeah thats's a type of guy like me. In fact, it looks very similar from that. In general, terrorist networks, spy agencies, drug dealers, paid assassins, or seekers of pornography go into such nooks and crannies. There is something like the hidden wiki and there are grouped links in different categories. You can find blogs, forums even from normal, through revolutionary to completely illegal, anonymous instant messaging and chat rooms, anonymous file hosting, anonymous payments, anonymous exchange of information, information about computers and privacy, information about warezas, crackers and hacking, all books, music or movies you can only imagine, even information about sports and commercial information, links to international drug markets, prostitutes' market, rent Paid killers, black market products and much much worse. They are the most sick people who use a hidden network for bad things. Not only those who review these pages, but also those who create them and manage them are virtually impossible to track by anyone.
Through the hidden network, even underground tournaments for death and life are organized. Real trained players take part in them Kinda like some major underground Fight Club. This may seem impossible, but they are people practicing in the best clubs under the guidance of professionals who do not want to take part in UFC, PRIDE, K1 or KSW or any other league. They are people who are looking for adrenaline, putting their lives on the line and it is something different than a fighter under a club or fan club. These things happen regularly and there is a group of very wealthy people who are willing to organize this and pay very much money to the winners. You can say that these are tournaments of real modern gladiators even super warrior's. Kraza rumors that there are also duels between people and animals.
Despite this, barely 0.00000001% of all information that is available in a hidden network will be suitable for ordinary people that is not a hacker and will be useful and understandable for him or her. The hidden network is not the whole underground community of spies, murderers, pedophiles and criminals. The vast majority of it in 99.99999999% is used by valued institutions.
Do not be a complete dumb noob and do not click on all links found on the hidden wiki. Tap your head first and wonder if you have to go anywhere.
The information in the hidden network is unbelievable, but there is no point in being afraid of it. In almost every case, the information is just given, and you decide what you ultimately do with it and whether through your activities such as producing, storing, exchanging or transferring different things, you get into trouble and get into jail so stay the hell away from some fucked up stuff.
Before you start, I recommend that you learn how the hidden network works and what you can do to better protect yourself against uninvited people who may want to know your true identity. The hidden net is like a post-apocalyptic world, where the only accepted currency is bitcoin and websites look like those from the 90's when the internet was just starting to crawl. BTC is the currency of the hidden network which is bitcoin and I'm sure most of you know this by now. It is strange, in its fun way, but also horrifying. Half of the pages in the hidden network often do not work due to complicated encryption, and half of them load very slowly and after everything is loaded, you can be scared how serious are the places where all these hackers change. Some of them are even able to hack webcams in their victim's computers and view them without their consciousness. I know it may be weird that the world's best hackers have free servers, but it's rather a matter of security. The network can be a bit burdened, because more and more Internet users are interested in it, but also ordinary kids who have learned about the topic from colleagues from gg. Anyway, patience in a hidden network is crucial. I am just a cog in the machine. In a huge virtual quantum machine. I am telling you information that I found on other forums or those that were already known. I am also trying to find people who are already in it or coming out. If you are weak after visiting sadistica, then you better not even think about walking on a hidden network. When we want to look at someones Layers we end up with something looking like this in most cases testing peoples "intelligence" to the next piece of data.
The first three levels you should already know considered in this ranking encompass more "normal" elements, let's put it this way. The first layer, called "0", would be the internet that we normally access today, the common sites and our daily routine, such as Facebook or Tecmundo itself, for example. Going to the first level, called "Surface Web", you would find sites with more diverse content and some forums that admittedly appear with new and / or contradictory information, such as Reddit. Following the evolution, we arrive at layer number 2, the "Bergie Web". Here you will find FTP servers that are further away from popular sites. In the third layer, you reach the "Deep Web" call. There are already very different contents here, such as sites with heavy content videos, hacking forums, community scripting and virus studies, among others. This layer, however, although it can only be accessed through the use of Proxy, contains only the most accessible material of Deep Web.
There are many Deep Web In the internet underworld that are sites that can be accessed without you having Tor installed. This however, restricts the scope of your navigation, leaving you to be "stuck" to the contents mentioned above. Another problem is that you will probably end up with your PC stuffed with the most different malware and many attacks. Anyone who ventures on these sides should follow the advice of those who access Deep Web with some frequency, many of which claim that Tor guarantees a certain degree of protection and breaking it, allows you to access the other part of this third layer.
With Tor you already gain access if you find the sites, of course to several more advanced materialsand have extreme technical forums on the most diverse computational subjects, including data on cosmology. Charter Web is Level 4 and is a more advanced version of the third layer. Here, however, access to illegal materials begins to grow dramatically. Drug sales sites, banned and extremely offensive videos and even the so-called "Hidden Wiki" are in this "place".
From the fifth layer is the deepest place once you start to find CAIMEO, we could find the so-called Mariana's Web. The name would have been inspired by the "Mariana's Trench", known as the deepest place in the oceans across Planet Earth. In a popular infographic that runs through the internet, in this part of Deep Web begin speculations on the use of a tool called "Closed Shell Systems" and another called "Polymeric Falcighol Derivation". All this, however, would be some fictitious names and tools, created out of thin air, and only to make some curious new users foolish. It is well known that many web pages need programs and settings much more advanced than Tor to be accessed. These sites would shape the so-called Mariana's Web. It would also split into categories, bringing in the fifth, sixth, and seventh layers. Here, that rule would remain the same, that is, the higher the level accessed, the more advanced the user and his tools should be. Extreme content of all kinds, including terrorist tutorials, pages with prohibited adult material, and forums of unimaginable subjects, for example, could be found in these layers. Even some legends and conspiracy theories can take shape in the confines of the internet. There is no 100% correct answer on the subject, so there is no way to pinpoint with certainty what kind of information can be found there. What is known is based on reports from experienced Deep Web users and specialized forums. According to us several truly macabre sites can be accessed at Mariana's Web. As encryption levels are well advanced, some people feel more comfortable, let's say, to offer their services. Some people point out sites that make rental killers available. Companies specializing in the sale of banned and strictly military weapons could also be found in these farthest layers of the network. In this most sinister toad there is the trade of human beings, rare animals and organs. There are also "non-bizarre" parts within Mariana's Web. Some websites and forums controlled by the Chinese Pirate Party, a group that advocates freedom of expression within the country, are allocated to these parts of the Internet. The exchange of information from an army of hackers who join in the fight against online pedophilia, something very common within the Deep Web, would also happen in these deeper layers, in forums specially created to deal with the subject.
Highly rEsteemed!
[Insert PIKU Meme @allseeingewe]
THANKS @frankbacon Ewe Qued the Meme.
The magic number for today is Q. It is the 17th letter of the american ALPHAbet. <3
Yes, but I'm U the, 21st letter.
That's what we're about now!
This was followed up with
and this
more to come sometime...
Yes, but I'm U the, 21st letter.
That's what we're about now!
I some How made it to the 10th Level- it was called J.
I never returned back to it.
This is an incredibly interesting article!
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