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RE: AI-Generated Content = Not Original Content

in #ai2 years ago (edited)

I'm fine with AI art as long as they clearly state that it was AI generated. Some people use it for thumbnails or stock images to their blog post. Some people use it as memes. They have to clearly state that it was AI generated though.


It's better to ban them completely than allowing them with credits to ai art. In the future Ai arts will be indistinguishable at that point every scammers will take advantage of them. It's better to ban them completely, So non of us have to argue with those trash people who use Ai art works.

Check this blog:

This person is claiming Ai arts as her own artwork. The post got curated 165 Likes in #OCD community.

not mentioning ai artwork in this blog.

I would say completely ban Ai works inside Hive.

We should completely ban crypto because scammers use it as an easy way to ponzi people out of their money.

That's a very stupid statement to be frank. Are you saying centralised system is free of corruption ? You just need to see crypto as a decentralised payment option, nothing more, nothing less anything more is due to greed.

Now why would I be posting something so daft on a completely unrelated post if it wasn't to draw a comparison to your statement.

you are not going far enough!

I would say: Ban anything!!!

better safe and empty!

satire off The Bee in the image is Ai Generated but no one really found out because he retouched on top of the ai art @ertytux

I have seen a lot of Ai Generated posts previously without mentioning Ai Artworks. Thats the reason I will say it should be banned

  • I don't understand your point @sachingeorge, because you always have to see the context, you are referring to an image generated certainly by AI, minted in @nftshowroom by @janetedita that was given to me in a giveaway. There are communities like @alienarthive where selections of the best AI-generated images are made, these images also transmit a message to someone and fulfill a communicational objective.

  • I don't think it's a crime to resort to AI-generated images when the ones in the free stocks like , do not convey the exact message that is needed.

  • Banning the use of AI-generated images is the same as banning images that are present in free stocks. In any case, I think it is prudent and necessary for the authors to make reference to the origin of the images.

  • All kinds of extremism and fundamentalism must be left out of #HIVE to maintain its health, those who want to impose unjustified censors threaten the spirit of freedom of #HIVE.

In fact, it was always said that it was generated by AI MidJourney, and being a paying user MidJourney grants the rights over the generated image. From the original image generated by MidJourney, I introduced changes so that it was not directly something taken from the AI, some more than those you point out, and precisely to have more human intervention, if what Photoshop generates is considered "human" since it also works with artificial intelligence.
Banning directly any publication for the use of AIs seems to me an extremism. On the other hand, if an AI-generated image is not considered "original", it should be treated, at least, the same as an image from pixabay or other stock photography. Although for me, it is much more original than a photo downloaded 10 million times for its use.
Now, if we are talking about a text, which I pass off as mine, without mentioning the use of AIs, that doesn't seem right to me. I don't know how to draw or model, and I use the AI as a tool, but writing, well... I think all of us here know how to do it... or at least we try to do it.
About the image you show, I want to clarify that at no time I tried to make it look like something it was not. I never hid the use of AI in them.
Traducido con DeepL

Images: If the image is created with the help of AI, it should simply be mentioned as the case. The entire post above is about not deceiving people where AI is used in some portion of the content. It's not about just banning everything AI.