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RE: It's the end of the world as we know it. - My AI Rant

in #ai2 years ago (edited)

I can look past the fakery of AI in milliseconds. Where I do think it's useful is when it's used in the right way, to make a point...

For example Kyle Dunnigan uses AI in his impersonations, some call it "deepface" software if I'm not mistaken.

The difference between Kyle and anyone else I've seen trying this, is Kyle is an experienced comedian who knows the vitality of his first amendment right to free speach, and he uses it believe me, he uses it, to the point of being offensive. But that is what the first amendment was meant to be used for mostly, to offend when neccessary.

So what Kyle does is studies modern day pop culture and politics and then applies his talents to make points and open eyes.

So that is pretty clever to me. He re-weaponized the technology.