Can AI Be A Force For Good?

in #ai6 years ago

By the mid 2030s, nearly 40% of jobs in the US will have the potential for automation. Positions in manufacturing, retail, and construction will have some of the highest potential for AI overhaul and putting millions of people out of work. But while people may be fearing for their jobs in the face of AI automation, many others are fearing for their wellbeing, peace of mind, and even physical safety.

Today, China has an estimated 200 million active surveillance cameras, about 4 times as many in the US. Using AI technologies within these cameras, Chinese police rely on facial recognition to scan the faces of citizens, helping to identify wanted criminals from drug-traffickers to jaywalkers. Invasion of privacy via hyper-vigilant surveillance techniques is just the beginning. Improved weapons of war from self-aiming sniper rifles to intelligent drones create autonomous war. Advanced weaponry of this kind not only generates deadly scenarios but also distances human beings from the horrors of war, accountability of cruelty, and loss of life. When AI is developed according to authoritarian, criminal, or otherwise nefarious intentions, the results should become something to fear.

When we influence evil in our technologies, we shouldn’t be surprised with the outcomes. This infographic details both the good and bad of artificial intelligence, how it is just a reflection of ourselves, and what we can do to grow AI without the restrictions and biases of human thought.

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Infographic Courtesy of Noodle.AI