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RE: AI: Amazing Tools - But Sadly Making Everything the Same

in #ailast year

It's as if this content of yours went through my mind and say what is there in. Seriously, talking about AI or whatever writing application, I don't really buy the idea because it speaks against being original either in terms of content creation or content correction. If you go through my contents, you will definitely notice so many errors but I love it that way. I saw it to be better than being fake.

I hadn't really noticed it before, but once you spot GPT's way of writing and you begin to see it everywhere it can start to give you an eerie Orwellian vibe. It brings to mind that feeling I got when I first saw some images that were generated by averaging thousands of human faces of a particular ethnicity to create a generic person from a particular country.

Considering this part Bro, as I was reading it I was laughing and picturing how people fell into that part but not me because I felt it's not original. Infact looks more fake than original. Thanks Buddy! This content is top notch.🤜🤛🏿


You are right, I'd rather see some mistakes and a bit of personality than to see the same fake recycled thing over and over again. At least you don't feel like you are reading from a robot.

Exactly Boss