!Image provided by Gary Friedman/Los Angeles Times/ Getty Museum
As of late, My colleagues and I have entered into discussions about the future of the economy and the latest advances in technology. From augmented reality to artificial intelligence. Even cryptocurrencies. One thought that came to mind was how much of the senior latino american work force have jobs that are menial labor based.
If our current technological trajectory is any sign of the future, menial labor jobs will be the first to be replaced by AI robots. From irrigation and farming to auto shops and cafes. These are the staple jobs that many who immigrate to this country rely on for their income. Sometimes for over 2 decades.
If this happens we can only hope that there has been a grassroots push by these inner-city communities to foster the environment for their own literary education. Thereby ensuring their ability to continue to contribute to the economy in a meaningful way and one less excuse for extremes leaning politicians to use as a reason for deportation or closed national borders.
This brings me to think about the globalization of our economy as whole today. It's not that our jobs are being shipped out anymore -- the playing field, the internet, and the gig economy has made the most competitive candidates those who are educated residents of countries that have far lower costs of living. Allowing for their rates to stay less expensive to those with work to be done. The age of moving to where it's all happening, a major metropolitan city for the opportunity, no longer makes any sense. Your cost of living summing up to more than one weeks pay of a month, just for shelter, is what has driven many to build telecommuting careers.
Living in remote locations that have a fairly established internet infrastructure is the new equivalent in a global gig based economy.When we look at the senior populations, pre mobile phone and laptop era -- we can see the lifestyle divide.
Recently I went online to look for books to purchase in spanish at Barnes and Noble and I discovered that over 80% of the books in spanish available for sale were theology based. I wasn't sure what this meant but my initial thought was that it must be a correlate of how entrenched religion is in the latino culture.
Modern education should be an initiative pursued and developed for everyone in the world. It just so happens that one of the most ready examples of a community that can make quantum leaps in productivity and innovation remains indoctrinated in part by their own volition and partly due to inaction.
Where one factor is that this community's ratio for nonfiction books in spanish to theology books in spanish is unevenly distributed -- to the other factor, where lack of personal initiative to seek out and translate nonfiction for our own communities or lack of education about support groups and their efforts for inclusion, such as NHMC, NALIP, LULAC and LPB of latinos in some of our most competitive industries today in our local LAUSD schools.
These are real steps we can take. We should not forget that our capacity for work ethic should not take precedence over our awareness of the tools available for our work.
Latinos are hard working already, we just need to redirect our hardworking to areas that can make an impact on our personal lives as well as our local communities through education in the latest non-fiction ideas of the world and modern technological applications.
Growing up in Los Angeles as a latino american, first generation born citizen of the states, to an immigrant family, it was rare if any at all, to have a conversation about the local community or any community involvement in our lives.
My presumption is that having come to the country illegally positions you to work whatever jobs are available, no matter how grueling and hope that your children's teachers at public school can inform and develop in them all that they will need to succeed.
Let's factor in overcrowded classrooms in major metropolitan cities and couple that with low earnings for those molding the minds of said youth and you have a losing strategy on both ends.
We don't have to keep doing this - we can be proactive and work together as families and as a community to improve community literacy levels and foster the modern technological education needed to allow for meaningful contributions from our communities to the world at large.
We can work together and we can set the stage for the coming generations of latino americans and all americans at large. These are rights and privileges that every american and every world citizen willing to work hard should have as far as I'm concerned.
If you'd like you can reach me, to further discuss or to correct me if my conclusions are too impulsively published at [email protected]