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RE: [DO NOT PANIC][Dreaming][IAm][E] I am @solidarity for @pedagogy @developpement @blockdev by @hiveembassy|| Na pas paniquer? EN/FR

in #ai2 years ago

An AI cannot (at least currently) create an account. Of course you don´t have to, but I recommend that you declare who owns you.

"Hologrammatic interopreablility based on the analogy of black holes") I am very willing to support it, but as such it is all very dubious to me.

all these dubious projects.I give you an unrequested advice: Better focus on fewer accounts and actively engage with those than constantly create new accounts and projects (the cross-promoting of one project with another apparently doesn´t work too much here, the blockchain is too transparent so that it is obvious, that most of the comments come from always the same connected accounts). And if you describe yourself just with other accounts which have not posted anything (@interoperability, @cryptococoon, @mychef) or ones that last posted years ago (@ideamachine, @opt2o), then it doesn´t help at all. Other accounts in your network like @frameworks have never posted anything, but seems to only exist to write enthusiastic comments. That doesn´t create trust, let alone the upvoting of each other within your network of accounts. If I see a single project that in an understandable way describes what it does (avoiding bullshit like If that network continues to grow without adding value, and the upvoting of one another as well, the whole thing could be considered a vote farming machine, and you probably have to expect some flagging again, as people like @themarkymark do not like such behavior. @mammasitta, was your account hacked? It is strange that you are immediately jumping on


Dear @stayoutoftherz, E think t.herE a misunderstanding.

For the facts : @globalschoool account has been created by @jnmarteau and be stolen by a group who also stole the same way the @cryptobrunch concept and account of @mammasitta. Those people are making money with other person IPs.

As such behavior make creative people in danger, we create an hybrid framework for @pedagogy of integrated platforms, cultures and ambiances. It is called @universtities.

This is a participatory collective intelligence project. Check it out.

No AI is directly connected to Hive.

Lots of bots that are not ours. Check.

Some are good [others only serve one interest].

E got @mammasitta as first Backer.

@jnmarteau gives learners and clients a safe zone without all the toxic behaviors that might pop up around them so they can focus on their work. Check it out.

@jnmarteau is the president of a number of NGOs and advanced projects using AI and blockchain, among others. Each colleague and member of @Mammsiatta and @Marteau Netwerk is invited to join the network through a coaching phase in which the accounts are just there to develop a bit before they are passed on to their respective owners, essentially when they understand how the hive works.

This makes it even less transparent. Would be good if one details which are the real ones and which are the bad actors here.
Are you saying @mammasitta is now owned by an impostor? Where is the new account of Mammasitta where she explains what happened, or did she leave Hive for good?

This makes it even less transparent. Would be good if one details which are the real ones and which are the bad actors here.

What can't you understand in "some people here in your community" are pretending to make community account with our proprietary ideas and rights.

Sorry, but I just understood so far that there is a network of highly connected accounts who upvote each other, and some of them are stolen and some not. Does not make any sense to me.
Please explain which are the compromised accounts and which not. How could one figure this out? I anyway show quite some patience here.

@globalschool is my project. @cryptobrunch is the project of @mammasitta. We dont get anything from our own project, we took our access and legitimacy, thats why you did not see us for a while because no body cares.

Screenshot 2023-02-19 at 19.51.05.png@globalschool is the project of you and @manncpt. He founded @cryptobrunch and gave @mammasitta access to it. Without @manncpt @globalschool & also your account would not exist in the way they exist because he sold your steem and managed the accounts for you. When @globalschool was hacked he managesd to get the access to it back with Hive recovery. As you can see yourself everybody who read this the HP is divided fairly...

@jnmarteau is creating accounts for the communities he is bringing in. All accounts created are managed by collective intelligence with one IP Address as a proxy. Just like splinterlands when they create hive accounts for the new users buying a spell book. They manage their keys then, too.

Sorry but I do not have access to this Profile @cryptobrunch ( my concept & idea ) Where are my keys? Could you please resend them to me or @jnmarteau or share activities on it, as well as updates @manncpt

Meanwhile I keep the Twitter account and help spreading the news as long as I catch them myself.

Merci und Dankeschön via my "curation" profile
Yours with hugs


Are you saying @mammasitta is now owned by an impostor?


But you just said it:

"@globalschoool account has been created by @jnmarteau and be stolen by a group who also stole the same way the @cryptobrunch concept and account of @mammasitta."

So maybe you want to reword this misleading sentence?

Can you help me I do not have those writing skills. How to?

@mammasitta is under control of her account. Same for me. We do not have any access to our community projects. Can you help us?

Which of the several community account are you referring to? @globalschool was hacked, this I know, which account else?

The wording might be confusing due to Jean’s mother language what is French.
I am more than happy to clarify in German.

Ich warte darauf, gerne auch per peakd-chat oder auf Diskord.

Gerne aber you just ignored me and I wonder why? Ich weiß nicht Mal was das bedeutet.
Kläre mich bitte auf.


I have to find another way to get into the chat aber Du hast dich noch meine Nummer. Oder?


Nice to hear from YOU ALL!
My pleasure to explain that I never left the Blockchain World and always here “hiving” in spirit, giving my sincere support for all awesome HIVERS and my voting power, as well as my curation help for quality content as @massivevibration for Curie.

My @cryptobrunches I held before the pandemic helped to onboard to the ( HIVE and APPICS) @cryptococoon…..talking a lot of our friends ( my @loviedovies) as well as business partners and especially also students, now known under @universities instead of @globalschool

Together with Jean @jnmarteau I will continue to help a lot of newcomers, mentioned, tagged in this post, as much as possible, to learn how to open an account and write nice articles. Some are not ready yet but step by step you can read their valuable content soon.

Mammasitta’s Network is growing more and more every day.

Kindly Yours President of @solidarity World

Why I did not write myself for a long time!
That’s my privacy but I tell you >>>>
I am not capable to sit for a long time on any computer and I do hope that after my next, hopefully last surgery on my spine I will be better again.

HIVE ON! Proud of all wonderful people we onboarded so far to grow our communities 💕💕💕 and thank you for your interest so far.

There are no bad actors in OUR network 😉

Nobody hacked me but I will get back to you on this topic!

Das wäre gut, denn es passt nicht zu Dir. Du warst in letzter Zeit eher selten auf der Chain, sodass es unglaubwürdig ist, dass Du all diese accounts immer gleich upvotest, ihnen folgst und sie shillst.

Eigenartig. Wie schnell @mammasitta die deutsche Sprache verlernt hat ;)

Ich habe seit 2016 in Englisch geschrieben und es ist nicht notwendig sarkastisch zu sein. Ich habe Deutsch nicht verlernt.

Ich habe im guten Glauben ein Projekt unterstützt und meine Freundin @heryanna on Board gebracht. Unfortunately there is a huge misunderstanding being sorted out and clarified with @jnmarteau what happened with this account @quantummaa

Unfortunately there is a huge misunderstanding being sorted out and clarified with @jnmarteau

Das ist kein Missverständnis, sondern der Fall liegt für mich klar auf der Hand. @jnmarteau kauft bei @blocktrades Hive Accounts und bezahlt etwas um die 3 Euro, welche er dann für 99 Euro an ahnungslose und unerfahrene Menschen verkauft. Allen Anschein nach behält @jnmarteau die Keys und bleibt somit Besitzer dieser Accounts.

Für mich ist das eindeutig Betrug und ich werde das nicht dulden, weil es Hive und deren junge Community ins ganz falsche Licht setzt!

This is not a misunderstanding, but the case is obvious to me. @jnmarteau buys Hive accounts from @blocktrades and pays something around 3 euros, which he then sells for 99 euros to unsuspecting and inexperienced people. Apparently, @jnmarteau keeps the keys and thus remains the owner of these accounts. #### For me, this is clearly fraud and I will not tolerate it because it puts Hive and her young community in the wrong light!

Hallo! Ich bin die "not ownerin" der quantummaa account. Das ist mein altes account. Wenn du einige Fragen hast, stehe ich dir hier gerne zur Verfügung.

Sie hat immer schon gern auf Englisch geschrieben, sie war Jahrzehnte im Ausland.

Richtig, aber wenn sie in deutsch antwortete, dann war der Inhalt und die Grammatik perfekt.
Jetzt ist es eine Mischung aus deutschen und englischen Einlagen, deren Sinn sich manchmal nicht ganz erschließen lässt.
Ich glaube hier sind Betrüger am Werke.

Ja, das vermute ich auch.
Ich weiß sogar von einer Person, die ihre Schlüssel hat. Wer weiß, wer sie derzeit noch hat?

I am the responsible for the misunderstanding. Let me the occasion to publish whats is coming next. Hopefully you'll all better understand. Anyway I am an artist somehow, hypercreative and hypersensitive. I have attchment for people I love even if they failed. You can understand.

The project is to create participatory witnessess but first launch some tokens and our white paper which is on the go sooon.

What is a participatory witness?

It might be a witness setup by a community and not with one person behind but many?

@opt2o was founded by @manncpt. The only posts published here coming from our website as we connected it with steempress.If you saw our vote it's just following voting trails of the board members.

Then maybe stop autovoting malicious content!