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RE: Who will control AI and potentially rule the world?

in #ai7 years ago (edited)

Many inventions have been used for war and i'm sure AI will be used to boost military forces. Imagine robots soldiers like in Star wars, but i would like it if we figured out away to make AI that has it's own consciousness and figure out right from wrong for itself.


AI could very easily wipe out all of us. For a thought experiment on the military implication of AI, what could you or anyone do if some government military creates an AI to wipe out an entire family? What if your family is targeted by the AI for extermination?

People assume the AI will go rogue or think about Skynet but what if the smart weapons are successful? Even in that case it's a nightmare because a dictator somewhere in the world can wipe out an entire bloodline simply by telling the AI to target that. AI can target on the level of genes, of DNA, of bloodline, of families, and introduce an extremely precise kind of warfare.

And this kind of warfare doesn't make life safer for civilians at all. And if something goes wrong then a billion people could be wiped out, or possibly even the whole of the human species or all life on earth. It's more dangerous than nukes because it's self improving.

right or wrong is is misguiding because they both depend on moral relativism, there is only the Truth which is always objective, and lie is but an illusion