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RE: An Invitation for Remediation - HIVE PANEL

in #ai2 years ago

Almost everyone that's here long enough is criticized and enabled to grasp (some more) of the realities operant on Hive. HW isn't a government. It's just an account and user funded to promote the interests of some stakeholders.

My fundamental take on these issues are that human society is sacred. We are the saviours we need. Automating any aspect of our interactions degrades us, reduces us to the level of toasters, ignoring our transcendent natures. I do what I can to persuade people to bless each other with their forthright speech, and it is sad that we are all confused and distracted by a great many things, but most commonly stake.

Stake is one of the least valuable things in society, and in due time will be commonly understood as far beneath the extraordinary blessings of our good company. I undertook the effort to share some perspective that I hope you can benefit from because you seem sincere and rational enough to benefit from it.

Such potential to increase the value of society to us all is worth encouraging, IMHO. Express yourself, share that sacred gift you are with the world, and eschew tainting your voice with mere things that literally are no more valuable than toasters. Almost any value you can name is more worthy of our attention than mere money, and I hope you can rise above pecuniary interest to grow the value of society to all of humanity with your forthright speech.