Society falls into the abyss of illusion. Whatever is applicable in the context of art is also for the rest of all works, creative or intellectual, by human beings. Whatever we decide does not stop at art, AI inevitably will consume in some form all disciplines and master them.
A significant driver of rapid adoption is social media engagement. It is undeniable the leverage AI currently presents as a tool to be leveraged for growing account visibility. It therefore makes it a bit harder to discern overall public opinion as these accounts and posts get significant boosting across all media platforms. It would seem in some aspects that AI is winning strongly over content created by humans. However, it is not clear if that is the case. Nonetheless, it all becomes a moot point as AI continues progress towards results that are no longer distinguishable from human.
"Where is the value in AI creativity? Does it actually create anything? What can be said of artistic works in which the creation was essentially a series of playing at the lottery of the machine until something fantastic emerges? Spinning the wheel of chance and instead of red, black or some number, it is a series of lexical phrases with which we hope to catch the spinning ball on the Roulette and award us a work of art. "
An AI composite of my own intended to capture the counter perspective of AI art.
At some point, if we can simply wish something into existence, then what is the point? We have removed the journey of the human experience. If we were to look backwards at astounding past works, how would we view them through todays lens? Would it look like the following?
Where does all this leave us with meaning and understanding of the world? As AI is essentially a skill/technology replication machine, this means that there are no safe plateaus on the skill ladder to reach towards.
"Climbing the skill ladder is going to look more like running on a treadmill at the gym. No matter how fast you run, you aren’t moving, AI is still right behind you learning everything that you can do."
These are some concepts from my further and deeper elaborations on AI and the impacts to culture and society - ++
It is my opinion that art may be at the forefront of societal awareness of AI impacts, but many have still not yet considered what it means for everything else.