#AIR-CLINIC HEALTH TALK: 9 Benefits Of Having Sex Regularly!

in #air-clinic7 years ago (edited)

Hello Air-Clinicians & Friends,

For the married couples, regular sex is defined as 3-4 episodes per week! For unmarried couples, we can't define it. Concrete researches has shown real evidence that sex is good for a healthy life. A sexless life is a boring, stressful and lonely life. Apart from the pleasure derived from sexcapades we will enumerate the other benefits below;


1- Sex Prevents Cancer:

In men, it is known that an active sex life reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Men who ejaculate often are less likely to come down with P. Ca than the rest of the population.

2- Sex Reduces Stress:

Sex is a stress killer and a mood stabilizer. When you have had that annoying day, perhaps what you need is to unwind with your partner.

3- Sex Improves Sleep:

Those long and deep sleep cycles that follow gives you one of the best feelings of rest ever. A well sexed person is more likely to feel refreshed after sleeping and awakening.

4- Sex Increases Life Span:

Have you noticed that glow after sex? It's the result of hormones making you look younger and your skin shiny!😍Research has shown that couples who engage in regular sexual intercourse do live longer and maintain a much more romantic experience for life. Happiness is a side effect of sex which can also reduce aging and increase life span.

5- Sex Boosts Immunity:

Do you frequently have the flu or common cold? Well, maybe you aren't having enough sex then. Sex is known to boos IgA antibodies which are known agents in fighting respiratory infections and even diarrhoea. So have more sex and get less cattarrh.

7- Sex Burns Calories:

Many of you don't know that sex is a form of exercise. This one is even better because there's a carrot reward attached to it. 30mins of sex can burn up to 80-100 calories . So imagine having these for 3-4 times a week. You can't ever comp!Ain of weight gain anymore.😉

8- Sex Kills Pain:

Maybe a headache isn't as much of an excuse anymore.😀 Sex and orgasm are known to increase endorphins and oxytocin which are all feel good hormones. In their abundance, even menstrual pain can be terminated. Other little things like body aches, headaches and co. will definitely disappear.

9- Sex Lowers Blood Pressure:

Your cardiovascular status is markedly improved if you are having an active sex life. It's known to lower blood pressure, increase blood circulation, improve cardiac output and lower the risk of heart diseases. Heat attack is for monks! 😎

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3- Sex Improves Sleep:
Those long and deep sleep cycles that follow gives you one of the best feelings of rest ever. A well sexed person is more likely to feel refreshed after sleeping and awakening.

Finally I have another prescription for my patients with an online reference for those of them that love to quote their sources. No more "soft music" prescription next week lol and no more benzodiazepine product for them hence forth ⛑️

Lolx! Soft music and benzo! So that's your prescription. This is far better!😂

Maybe I can slide in a pro-libido agent. Wahala dey o. Randy here, Randy there, Randy under the diaphragm 😂😂😂

8- Sex Kills Pain:
Maybe a headache isn't as much of an excuse anymore.😀 Sex and orgasm are known to increase endorphins and oxytocin which are all feel good hormones. In their abundance, even menstrual pain can be terminated. Other little things like body aches, headaches and co. will definitely disappear.

Are you for real?
If this news gets out, panadol would fall out of business 😂😂😂.
Nice post

Lolx! People don't like taking drugs.
Isn't this a better prescription?

I couldn't agree more

Are you for real? I'm shocked with number 8 and 9

Lolx. What is shocking you?
Sex does more than it is given credit for!

I am skeptic about most of them.
Also claimed to have following benefits;

*Improves bladder control in women.
*Boost your libido
*Improves relationship

Try them friend!
Sex rocks but your attitude towards it will also affect it's benefits on you.

lol...i know other better & scientifically sound ways.

This is one topic I believe people should take seriously especially married fellows ...

You forgot to add that Sex saves marriages

Yeah it does. But this was mainly about the health benefits. There are so many other benefits of sex. 😎

Oh really? What am i waiting for

A partner!😉

Definitely getting one soonest


That's where they will see you

Cucumber talks 😁

Hmmmm, I will taste before I comment. lol

Lolx! Taste and see that the Lord is good.

Awesome. Sex is beautiful. So all this perks come from the cookie. Mehn.....😯😯😯

Thank you, I'll avail myself for the show this evening. I want to hear more.

But o doubt if this benefits come with a partner that can't satisfy sexually.

Your partner counts too as well as you!
With the right partner, sex is great!

I don't know if these are real. I haven't tried it though. HAHA :D But if they are real, I'd probably go get married soon already so I can have a healthy lifestyle. LOL! :D Just kidding. HAHA :D

Yeah! Go get married quickly friend.
3-4 times per week may not always tally though depending on the type of wife you end up with.
Ha ha aha!😂😂Lolx! @Creyestxsa94.

Wow...sex should be regarded as a medicine to be prescribed for some patients...maybe the next time i see the doctor😂

Lolx! Feel free to ask him/her for the prescription!
Warning: you may get sent out...

I wish sex isn't only for married people..

And @air-clinic do you know, that drinking coke regularly increase your libido!.. Making you a sex freak..

And speaking on sex do you know we have different types of sexuality arousals/fetishes like;
Pubephilia: does aroused to pubic hair.

Acrotomophilia: does aroused to amputees,

Agalmatophilia: does aroused to statues,

Knismolagnia: does aroused to being tickled.

And so on, and so forth...

Thanks for the additional tips.
Btw, are you steemophilic?

You can say that again...

Thank you!