Hello Air-Clinicians & Friends,
Today, lets take a timeout and discuss an important health related topic that affects almost all of us. Public Health Forum is an opportunity for anyone interested to bring solutions to common healthcare problems of general concern. Your opinion matters to us all!
Last week, we discussed about :Are Health Management Organization Really Helpful
It made quite an interesting discuss as people shared a lot even mixed with personal experiences. We appreciate the contributions of the following persons who dropped their meaningful opinions most of which spoke from their personal experiences
@gabeman, @ohakfarm, @seunnla, @nice2you
On the Topic of this Week...
Self Medication isn't any thing new to us all. It is a human behavior where by drugs and substances are taken without them being prescribed from a licensed health personnel in most cases, doctors.
Many have had to face different kinds of health hazards from being over drugged to having bizzare adverse effect, complicated illnesses and also dependency on some over the counter drugs. Yet, some might say their lives were given a second chance from self medication.
Well, what do you think or what's your take on this? Let's get to hear stories, experiences and advices so as to help the Steemit community.Every comment gets an upvote.
We are expecting your candid opinions on this topic!
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Self medication unfortunately has become so common among Nigerians that we no longer see anything wrong with the practice.
Many believes that its cheaper and easier to simply buy any drug/concoction without having to seek a professional advice as they believe that its expensive to consult a professional, but when anything goes wrong and a life is put at risk, nobody talks about cost again.
Dear Nigerians "Cheaps are always expensive"
ok....so you got me! i self medicate like all the time. Haven't gone for a test or asked for prescription for a while now (i know am am not the only one with this habit)
why do i self medicate??....well, it comes with "experience",by that i mean i'm always down with a particular illness (typhoid and malaria ) and the test results are always the same, i get the same drugs for treatment(different brands,same content) ...now ,with my experience i totally understand my body,so i know when its "malaria time" and i just hit the drug store and get some drugs( i know its very wrong)...once i start the medication i start feeling better...my point is,if you understand how you body work,then you could self medicate and save cost of consulting a Dr or running test(my unprofessional opinion tho)...you don't need a Dr to tell you you have a flu!? Do ya!!?
Self medication as dangerous as it is has continued unabated in the society and there is no visible effort from government to curb the trend. Though we claim its cheaper but the long-term effort and immediate consequence in some cases shows that its not actually cheaper to self medicate.
Self-medication may be problematic if the consumer does not understand the drug and his system. Take ladies for instance. they dont bother to read the leaflet when consuming felvin pain relief because of menstrual pain. Unknown to them it is shown to cause blod clot and low or no flow during menstruation. they do not know that the point of menstruation is not just to show them they are in a period to be pregnant but also to cleanse their system or dirty blood. but due to their self - medication practice they harm themselves more.
And biochemically, i believe self- medication causes resistance of viruses and bacterias to drugs.