Case 1
My dx is herpes zoster oticus.
(May be Ramsay hunt syndrome-old age seems pointing towards that but history is too short to be sure about that- no h/o facial weakness and not past h/o chickenpox infec)
Basis:-H/o of pain, fever and typical feature of vesicles on aud cnal and ext aud meatus.
DDX:- Acute otitis media , otitis externa, myringitis bullosa. Ramsay hunt syndrome.
Work up:- Usually History, auditory function tests and otoscopic examination suffice.
However sometimes typanometry, vesical fluid examination or diagnostic imaging to rule out complications may be required.
Treatment:- Analgesics and Antivirals.
I have chnaged my dx from myringitis bullosa to herpes zoster because in hurry i though there is h/o TM membrane involvement also.
Very detailed approach @drqamranbashir