I think it is a liver abscess, due to fever, nausea and jaundice.
differential diagnosis with vesicular lithiasis, with cholecystitis and cholestasis, with probable migration of the stone to the pancreas. It can also be a collection on the right lung base
You have to practice abdominal ultrasound. Chest x-ray and blood tests complete hematology, with total and fractionated bilirubin, phosphatases, transaminases. To decide or not surgical resolution.
Case 2
It is an imperfect osteogenesis, based on multiple fractures and blue scleras. The diagnosis is clinical and radiological, in addition to the molecular study of collagen in a skin biopsy.
Is mandatory in cases like this, with multiple fractures, rule out child abuse
The current treatment is bisphosphonates, which have the ability to bind to bone and stimulate osteoblasts, thus inhibiting the activity of osteoclasts, pain treatment, surgeries for some fractures and continuous medical checks.