It's really great to hear your side about this a member of the medical field. It's very heartwarming to know that your morality will prove to be an excellent compass for you when you become a doctor soon.
I am aware of abortus referring to the term of a fetus before age 36/37 otherwise termed as age of viability but thanks for bringing that up. I guess people need to be informed more about terminologies and probably why health education plays an important role.
And I have the same sentiments with you with regards to genetic abnormalities. We already tackle genetic counselling and I have read sections of our discussion terminating the pregnancy with genetic disorders especially when metabolic conditions are found.
It's a really difficult when ethics comes around. But all this take made me reconsider my stand on abortion. No life should be compromised in an effprt to save another. Perhaps advancements in technology will prove to be effective in finding means to prevent morbidity, without the expense of lives.
Do rumble on haha. Im very glad that you shared your thoughts about the topic