This is going to be quite interesting this week. Nice having Dr. @Endopediatria on this show. You are a great person with a heart of gold.
As for the cases, they are a bit specific to the pediatric sub-specialties. Lolx. Case 3 though; I'm thinking of Epiglotitis since its a single mass. The picture needs to be painted further. Like does the child have fever, difficulty with swallowing etcz. Differentials may include Tonsilitis.
Let's do an XRAY of the neck region or MRI to delineate the mass properly. A throat swab for MCS should come in handy.
Management is majorly with appropriate antibiotics.
Welldone @Antigenx for hosting this.
Thanks @nairadaddy. In fact the girl just had flu withuot fever. It was an incidental find. In a next post I'll show the picture. Of course the differentials are infectious diseases too.