in #air-clinic7 years ago (edited)

It was a long cold Friday afternoon in the harmattan, Tunde had just closed from work finally it was the end of the year. The office Tunde worked, skylight consultancy had just paid its workers their end of the year bonus and announced their annual end of the year party. Lydia was excited as she threw her flies everywhere. Tunde looked up for a second.
Damn! He was lost in thought.
Earlier, he had checked his balance and he had only seventy thousand naira even after the bonus and salary had been paid.
Hmm! He sighed loud, as he shrugged off the thought and smiled back at Lydia. He had promised his mum an amount of forty thousand for her birthday in early January and his sister an iphone when she was about writing Jamb. She finally passed and he knew he owed her an expensive phone. He looked up and went across to his Tade’s desk just to share his opinion about the party. Tade was a big boy who worried less about spending.
Just as Tade saw Tunde, he shouted “my guy holiday don come, na to go shayo now!” before Tunde could think twice he found his problem out of his mind all he could think of was the beer they were about to drink as he signed out. They both walked down to Tade’s car and drove to a nearby bar.
The waiter took their order and there was drinks everywhere, wine beer vodka, magic moments and pepper soup. They drank till stupor and of course, Tade covered the bills.
It was almost midnight when they decided to leave. Tade drove as they were leaving but they were involved in an accident, a head on collision with a stationary vehicle. Tunde lost his live after few hours of fighting and Tade damaged his spine. Tunde was later pronounced winner of the best staff award in the end of the year party. Promoted with a cash award of two hundred and fifty thousand naira but he could not live to get his benefit. DRIVE SAFE, LIVE LONG.stock-photo-woman-curled-up-in-a-chair-reading-a-book-95148265.jpg

All images sourced and referenced from shutters took. This post was entered for @air-clinic contest. Number of words is 350.