Air pollution
Ambient pollution by the harmful and toxic substances caused by naturally or by human activity. In some air polluted areas, the amount of free-floating substances in the air is better than other places, so it can easily be identified as the harmful effects of pollution. The main sources of air pollution are smoke generated by cars, smoke generated from electricity and heat generating equipment, and smoke generated by burning of solid waste.
Another reason for air pollution is the rising crack in the ozone layer of atmosphere above the Antarctic continent. Aerodynamic pollution is also causing the response of acid rain on humans, plant species, animals and aquatic ecosystem.
Five important types of pollution:
Air pollution
Water pollution
Soil pollution
Radiation and
Air pulletion in Bangladesh
The problem has become prominent in other commercial activities centers including Dhaka, Bangladesh. In the urban areas of Chittagong, Khulna, Bogra and Rajshahi regions, the health effects of air pollution are less than that of Dhaka. In many cities and towns of the world, houses are built on rock and soils which are based on radiation gas emitted. Lung cancer can be a long term respiratory infection. Air pollution in rural areas of Bangladesh has not yet been identified as a problem. Because the number of machine-driven cars in these areas is low, the number of industrial factories is also small. However, there is a considerable amount of air pollution in the suburbs and rural areas of brick kiln and cooking furnaces. In rural areas, wood, coal and various types of biomass are used as fuel. As a result, major air pollutants in the rural areas are probably the objects and volatile organic compounds formed in a particular particle material.
Air pollution is occurring mainly from two sources in Bangladesh - the industries that smoke smoke from the exhausted smoke and vehicles. Brick kilos, fertilizer factories, sugar mill, paper mill, jute mills, textile factories, spinning mills, tannery industries, garment factories, bread and biscuit factories, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, cement factories, metal workshops, sawdust etc. are mainly due to air pollution. . Apart from the dust produced from the land and the coastal islands and the coastal land area, the air masses are polluted by the sea-wave salt particles. There is a lot of smoke, steam, gas and dust generated from these sources of air pollution, which creates fog and smogy environments. Tannery factories located in Hazaribagh, Dhaka, a few types of industrial factories, are constantly releasing hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, chlorine, and other types of odorless chemicals, which are on the one hand such as poisonous and on the other side, causing local people to become annoying and sick. These pollutants are causing headache and other health problems. Increasing number of vehicles in the city due to urbanization has increased, resulting in higher air pollution.
The second Dhaka in the air pollution
Dhaka is the second most polluted air city in the world. Delhi tops in India Only after Karachi in Pakistan and Beijing in China. Between 1990 and 2015, the world's highest growth rate has increased in India and Bangladesh. Bangladesh is at the risk of the most damage in this pollution. This information was released on Tuesday in a report titled 'Global Wind situation-017' published simultaneously around the world.
The report, jointly released by the US-based research organization Health Effects Institute and Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, says that the most harmful components of the human body are PM 2.5. So much so that most of these components have emitted China. In the past two years, India has occupied the pollutant site by topping China. China and India are already in Bangladesh. Tokyo City in Japan is in the best position in this case. The report estimates the amount of air pollution in the world from artificial satellites.
It is said that due to air pollution in Bangladesh, the death rate of 1, 22, 400 people per year is said to be death. And due to air pollution, Bangladesh's position after Pakistan in terms of infant mortality rate. In addition to PM 2.5, an image of the overall pollution from the presence of other pollutants in the air is shown in this report. In Bangladesh, Bangladesh is ahead of China, India, European Union, Russia and Pakistan as the top weather polluters.
The effect of air pollution on the environment
- Burning rubbish mainly consists of vegetables and fruits such peelings, leftovers in the shells, dry fruit, pulse washings, paddy, etc., and food dishes. This type of waste is used for composting (adding fertilizers for agricultural use. Burning of special enclosures. On burning, garbage release CO 2 and some other harmful gases.
- There is a fire-heated enclosure for brick making bricks. In the raw humid clay brick and then decorate the heap with fire-wood covered by holding the fire in the burning flames inside some special mud mixture layer. This set-up was released for several days. The collection inside the smoke is released through a hole. On the opening, the original mud bricks are seen to be red, and there is a large amount of ash. Large quantities of waste-producing ash and broken bricks bits. All these pollutants can be either reused or just dump. A lot of smoke and heat gave out pollutants.
- Troposphere generally extends height to about 10 km from sea level. It contains air, water vapor, cloud etc. Pollution in this region causes some toxic gases, smoke, smoke, smog, etc.
source - Stratosphere stretches from height to 10 to 50 km above sea level. Ozone and some other gases are currently responsible for pollution in present areas. We all and the ozone layer which is exposed on the world, worried about the continuous reduction of violet, the harmful effects of all living people (u.v) radiation
Prevention of air poulletion
a. Growing a large number of trees in urban areas.
b. By installing long chimneys in the home and factory
c. Electrostatic Precipitator installed in the chimney of the industry.
d. Natural gas use, coal for cooking, Kerosene oil for cooking.
The smokeless source of energy.
How to reduce air pollution?
a. Try to avoid plastic bags. Because they are non-biodegradable.They have bad effects on the planet.
b. Avoid using vehicles for short walk distance.
c. Reduce, reuse and recycle. It will have a great effect. On air pollution.
Public transport use (bus). Avoid excessive use of these vehicles. This will reduce carbon emission.
d. Purchase and use of low pollution engines.
e. Buy Recycled Products
Avoid excessive use of these vehicles. This will reduce carbon emission.Nice post