From birth came the dream
The dream of owning a stethoscope
This stethoscope could not be bought because if it were, all of us would own one
The stethoscope had to be earned
And in earning it came a race
A race to be completed with a minimum of six years
Where am I running to?
Why are these people looking too serious?
What are they pursuing, I often ask myself
At the end of these race lies a stethoscope that must be grabbed
Along the track of this race are hurdles to be surmounted
Even the best of the athletes often face this hurdles
Not everyone that starts this race reaches the finish line
Oh!!! am tired some would exclaim 😮
Numerous muscle cramps causing fallen soldiers
Fatal injuries disabling atheletes
Can't take this anymore, i often would hear some say
Am dropping out of this race, i have reached my limit cried some😂
A slight error and disqualification comes
The pursuit of a stethoscope has never been easy
For in earning a stethoscope comes the Joy of a fulfilled dream
For in earning a stethoscope comes a License to serve
To serve humanity and save lives.
Selfless service to mankind some call it
Long working hours and many a sleepless night
But the Joy can never be compared
God bless the DOCTORS
hopefully you feel at home here. 😊welcome to steemit @medinho, best regards..
Boss Medinho
Al myty Fada
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