My day started pretty good but not as good as yours.
When we lived in NY, we would go to the Sussex County Air Show.
Always a great day with some spectacular bi-planes flying overhead.
Great pics!
My day started pretty good but not as good as yours.
When we lived in NY, we would go to the Sussex County Air Show.
Always a great day with some spectacular bi-planes flying overhead.
Great pics!
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Hey @thebigsweed, here is a little bit of from @papilloncharity for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.With all of the beer you so often send my way, I may be having a liquid lunch today.
Thanks very much my friend. You do know that I'm getting a beer belly. 😁
Well, all that you and I can do is that we can appreciate it that we still have days that start well my friend.
After I saw that plane we decided to take a drive out to our local airfield, but upon arrival we found the place chock and blog full of people, as thay had a function going on there.
Now I have always been a bit allergic to crowds, especially if there are loud music and rowdy things going on, so we returned via a different road and chanced upon a wine farm that we have not visited before. We popped in there and had a light lunch, so all was good.
The nature at the farm was spectacular, as the farm was nestled agianst the mountains and they had a sky high fountain going there that was some sight to see for my camera.
I posted that fountain today.
Glad that you liked the plane and all of the best to you guys for the new week.
Cheers and !BEER
Everyday I wake up, it's a good start to the day! 😁
It's always fun just doing something on the spur of the moment. With this virus thing going on for better than a year now, one of the guide lines has been to avoid large crowds. Following this advice was not at all a problem for me. I dislike large crowds and especially waiting in line. I think I get that from my dad. My dad was in the service and told all of us that while serving, he waited in line so often that once he got out of the army he would never wait in line again. If we pulled into a place and there were more than two people waiting to be attended to, we were out of there!
Running into the wine farm sounds like you stumbled into a great place.
Unexpected light lunch, with your camera in hand, enjoying the spectacular scenery, sounds like a good time to me.
Enjoy your day!
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Hey @thebigsweed, here is a little bit of from @papilloncharity for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Oh yes, nowadays we only open our eyes in gratititude 🤣
In the case of crowds we are the same as I also detest having to stand in line like a sheep.
Your dad knew what he was talking about and yeah, the army taught us many dislikes 🤣
I am so bad that my wife has to do the shopping and I wait outside to push the trolly to the car.
But I love shopping, as it gives me a break to sit at a coffee shop outside in the open air with a newspaper. My wife doesn't shop, as she goes on holiday, due to the time that she spends inside reading labels and comparing prices to find the healthiest and cheapest stuff 🤣
We have many wine farms here, all exporting their wines worldwide and many of them have restaurants on their farms. They also have "wine tasting" rooms and play areas for children.
A very rich business if one is in the wine making business.
They have meals at prices that will make your eyeballs dry up, but thankfully we mostly stick to toasted cheese and tomato sandwiches. Now and then we will try something else like this last time, but sadly the food wasn't great.
Blessings to you guys.
I'm all about saving money. Robin's dad always said that a penny saved is a penny earned, but when I go grocery shoping with my better half, it drives me a little crazy as I stand there while she reads one package after the next, checking out ingredients and price. When we go for a big order I tag along and just start throwing stuff in the basket. By the time we're finished she tells me that she feels like she just ran a race and always gets a little upset with me. I guess I'm just in a rush to get back home. Days like yesterday, when she only needs to do a little shopping she prefers to go by herself.
About an hour and a half from our farm are The Finger Lakes. It is a region known for its vineyards and wineries.
We have wanted to take a couple of days to visit there, but have yet to do so.
We'll have to see if we can get there this year.
It's a very popular place and I've got a feeling standing in line may be part of the gig. 🤣
Talking about adult beverages, thanks for the beer my friend!
Have a great day.
One last thing before I go. I'm always amazed at the pictures you get of birds in flight. Well I just caught a pair of Canadian Geese in flight as I scared them away from our pond.
I almost jerked my neck out of wack trying to capture them as they took off. With this weeks theme in #featheredfriends being birds in the grass, I've got some pictures of them on the grass, and I'm excited to include a few pictures of them as they take flight from the edge of the water.
Nope, nope, nope my friend, you will not get me in there even at gun point.
Things have become very pricey here and every month end we are squeezed, even though we have no debt, but I am sure that Marian was trained to do shopping by a very stingy Jew 🤣
She always comes out with one or another "saving".
I will have to ask my mother in law, Mrs. Google, what the The Finger Lakes looks like. I know that the Lake District in the UK is fabulous, but never heard of the Finger Lakes.
Any case yes, you guys should take a break there soon, even if you have to stand in lines.
A break is gold.
I will go and have a look at you geese shots.
Blessings and !BEER
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Hey @thebigsweed, here is a little bit of from @papilloncharity for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your