
Hi @jwiggly, you can do it on either, although their could be some minor layout issues in mobile; it should work fine though. Keep in mind you just want to make sure you keep your private key safe and written in physical form too! Let me know if you have any questions or if you run into any problems!

Hi @jwiggly, were you able to make a wallet and do you want me to send some your way? :)

I can't get the wallet to work on my phone. I'm going to have to try on my girls computer tomorrow. And yeah I'd love to get some! Maybe I can get you to help me set it up tomorrow. Here's my email [email protected]. it would be better to keep things private. I can get with you easier on that.@biddle

Hi @jwiggly, I'm happy to! Sorry for the delay; busy week! I'll send an email your way shortly!