Next, choose Kryptono exchange and again email which is on the Kryptono exchange, answer the math question and Confirm Submission, ready, wait for the coin 💰🍀 GO TO BOT click Start, enter the telegram group, join Twitter and retweet the post, then register here (many already here should be, on the distribution of KNOW) and click Submit Details ... answer the questions, here are the answers: KPOP, XFS, fun group or Hallyu / Korean Wave, Ethereum and Fanship.eth, then enter the Twitter login without @, then enter the email , which was registered on the stock exchange Kryptono, after you enter city / country - your city and country, sex, age, K-Pop group - answers:
The distribution is a little dreary, but you get $ 15 for 4-5 minutes of work 👍
Thanks for the kind information about such a good airdrop sure I am going to past of this airdrop now, and keep going I am expecting for airdrop information from you.
Thank you friend. If you any question about it please write me.
bro please give me the upvote daily base I also do same for you
Hi Bro, I do not have a database, I collect information from different sources.