Warmth welcome to JEBIT EXCHANGE COIN.
What is JEBIT EXCHANGE COIN all about? This is an Altcoin with its own blockchain, it's not an Er-20 token and doesn't function with contract address. Total supply of 20million, 20% goes to airdroppers (4,million ),(60%) 12million will be up for token sales. While the remaining 20% will go for both bounties,team reserve and partnership. Jebitexchange is 100%ready but will become functional by May 1st,2019. WE ARE MORE THAN AMILLION TIMES READY TO FLY THIS COIN ABOVE THE SKY.
COIN SALES COMMENCES MAY 1ST,2019-31st May 2019 in four phases . 1$=80JBT. 1ETHER=10,800 JBT.
Goggle form will be posted for the community to fill, which will be used to capture the jebitex wallet address,while the distribution will commence by 15th April, 2019.
What are you still waiting for?INVITE YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS TO THIS FAST RISING COMMUNITY AS WE ALL FLY ABOVE THE MOON. Stay glued to our channel for further updates. Jebitex loves you all.
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