Cool stuff! Will probably do the same post as you did :) Here my address if you don't mind :)
And srry for just 50% upvote haha, just got a slider yesterday and I'm not used to it, it was set to 50 and I've just havent noticed :)
Sad that you're soo close to 60 btw...could have gotten 40$ more!
Sent :)
Hmmm....I can't find out where and how to execute step #6 :) Could u help me a bit? Cuz Steemconnect thing is browser-based right? And this byteball wallet I've downloaded is an standalone app on its own and has nothing to do with a browser...soo I'm a bit puzzled now haha :D
You have to wait for the BOT to say hello... Did it already do that?
Hmm, he went straight into business talk hahah :D
Did you add the address (first option) when you click on that blue circle with the 3 dots.
Nope, not yet...I thought it's the step #8 :D So should I do it now? :D
Yes ... sorry :)