165+ Airdrop (total worth 3000 usd), participate all before ending

in #airdrop7 years ago

"Airdrop no 1: super candy SuperToken
(Get free 10000 token, after lunching the token)
process-just singup

"Airdrop 2: ccrb
(get free 1 token, worth 5 usd)

"Airdrop 3:
(10 coins, worth of 60 usd)
just need signup

"Airdrop no. 4
(200 frco coin, in your eth wallet)
need just 5 second, go to the link and submit your eth wallet address

"Airdrop no. 5
(58 pef token, only submit eth address)
need just 5 second, go to the link and submit your eth wallet address

"Airdrop no. 6
(10 free corbit coins) submit your eth address

"Airdrop no. 7
(500 free corbit coins) submit your eth address

"airdrop no. 8
(25 free ALT coins)
processing: signup

"airdrop no. 9
(600+ free swiftcoins) +adding 100 coins everyday

"airdrop no. 10
processing: signup

"airdrop no. 11
(1000 Actioncoins)
process: signup

"airdrop no. 12
(100 coins, per coin value now 14 cents, total worth 14usd)
process: just signup

"airdrop no. 13
(40 cpc coins) just submit eth address- coins will be destributed within next 2-3 weeks, so hurry up

"airdrop no. 14
(50 classycoins)

"airdrop no. 15
(100 cox coins)

"Airdrop no. 16
(500 free corbit coins) submit your eth address

"airdrop no. 17
refer to-Earn landing platform

"airdrop no. 18
50 wcex coins

"airdrop no. 19
(10 coins, vaule 5 dollar)

"airdrop no. 20
(100 coins value 130 usd..)

"airdrop no. 21
(1000 tokens , value 209 usd)

"airdrop no. 22
(100 coins)

"airdrop no. 23
14000+ coins

"airdrop no. 24

"airdrop no. 25
(5 legitcoin, every coin price now 2.70$, in future it has chance to reach on 50$+) ico ended soon!

Airdrop no. 26
635 coins free (per coin 0.6) lunch end of 2018

"Airdrop no. 27

300 coins for join"
"Airdrop no. 28

"Airdrop no. 29

(15 lino, eth address submit) "
"Airdrop no. 30

(25 coins signup bonus) "
"Airdrop no. 31

1000 OSCH (need telegram apps to verify) """ Ended!
"Airdrop no. 32

(150 coins) just need signup """
"Airdrop no. 33

(telegram & twitter need) 100 token""" Ended!
"Airdrop no. 34

(50 orca tokens) " Ended!
"Airdrop no. 35

50 coins, per coin value .03 cents
signup, follow twitter and join telegram"
"Airdrop no. 36

7 tokens
follow twitter and join telegram, submit ether address , end soon! " Ended
"Airdrop no. 37

5000 tokens,
submit eth address, and verify with telegram"
"Airdrop no. 38

100 coins, need to verify with telegram"
"Airdrop no. 39

signup, for 1000 coin"
"Airdrop no. 40

signup, for 50 coin"
"Airdrop no. 41

50 token
submit telegram verefied with telegram" Ended
"Airdrop no. 42

(100 token)
Enter your ETH Address
Follow them on Twitter and tweet the text.

Join their Telegram Group" Ended
"Airdrop no. 43

"Airdrop no. 44

50 tokens, value 20$, time need 3-4 minute only"
"Airdrop no. 44

(1 xnt coin =43 usd) link- http://supertoken100.com/i/154011" link- https://goo.gl/ikM742" link: https://swapcoinz.org/go/ref/f53655fe8bb3bea5" link: https://ico.frco.work/?iref=rc9gGk4f" link: https://bot.pedif.com/?ic=Itgs6136OJ" link: https://corbit.website/airdrop/uf5vr/" link: https://ColourCoin.org/112166" https://www.affiliatecoin.io/?ref=0608d4df-2bdf-4ae1-9553-f8583f0a7e2f" link: https://www.swiftdemand.com/?referred_by=mdafjal786" link: https://goo.gl/xya5A9" link: https://goo.gl/6VQUsg link: https://goo.gl/vYEvYg" Link: https://goo.gl/HFXUtB" link: https://goo.gl/yWHLyM" link: https://goo.gl/UZxKUJ" link: https://ColourCoin.org/112166" link: https://goo.gl/bYy51H link: https://goo.gl/fbywgj" link: https://goo.gl/GT9kJm" link: https://goo.gl/qKBNF9" link: https://goo.gl/BCWVbq link: https://goo.gl/kkae1F" https://POWtoken.com?ref=POW349320" linkl: https://goo.gl/vkNwae" link: http://legtc.me/1306564" link: https://zonto.world/z93517 " https://icohub.in/110860 https://tokensale.syntheticsai.com/ref/ba32371d091913" https://drop.lino.network?code=PnjwleDX https://www.koincard.net/welcome/index/43899?e= ""http://g.oschain.io/#/?parentId=qxh7o6 ""https://app.comfycoins.com/users/sign_up?code=V6X3z9bB ""http://tokenenergy.net/?invite=28269 http://referrals.orcaalliance.eu/add-friend?ref=8926 https://www.vuzzbee.com/z23846e8c.html https://bitng.info/bounty/?ref=E1EB58c0c2 https://goo.gl/KEeEWf http://alidrop.me/index-en.html?p=120242 https://owndata.network/register?ref_code=BBYYFTYCTMHR https://tokensale.synapse.ai/r/163056 https://candy.tokenloan.info/?code=08M2642T31I https://pumpkinpay.io/Airdrop/index?vtoken=5a9c783765fa2 Enter the code here: https://t.me/Pumpkin_Pay_bot https://ico.obirum.com/?r=88802" http://airdrop.tiqpit.com/#dkbmuerhpvhedcpjrcvz https://exenium.io?utm_source=referral&utm_refid=7vAYK8xCxKzNCddgb9IVvPvRYuHfBmHj

  1. Go to airdrop page. This is a Telegram bot, link: https://t.me/exenium_bot?start=bJXiMavOhU
  2. Select your language
  3. Click on ""Exenium ICO"" button and you will see your balance of free XNT & XNTB"
    "Airdrop no. 44:

    "Airdrop no. 47

    "Airdrop no. 48 https://t.me/yourblockv2_bot?start=w97Y4bcTjCCWJveuopEBuL" https://adh.one/?r=F668A07AAFF469CA
  4. signup here first: https://datarius.io?referral=OV9CTSnq
  5. Go to airdrop form, which is a google form. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScj_iVhTWDSmFL6sKPjpfmF5_kRyuZrYbOm3VQUHokH57bPMw/viewform

  6. "Airdrop no. 49Join Telegram and submit your details. https://t.me/datariusgroup"
  7. Go to airdrop page https://www.livingoffset.io/airdrop/index.html
  8. Join Telegram and submit your details to the airdrop form

  9. "Airdrop no. 50

    "Airdrop no. 51

    refer to win"
    "Airdrop no. 52

    "Airdrop no. 53

    "Airdrop no. 54

    "Airdrop no. 55

    "Airdrop no. 56

    "Airdrop no. 57

    "Airdrop no. 58

    500 BUCC for Registration, 200 BUCC for each Invitation, the Upper limit for each user is 5000 BUCC"
    "Airdrop no. 59

    "Airdrop no. 60

    "Airdrop no. 61

    "Airdrop no. 62

    "Airdrop no. 63

    "Airdrop no. 64

    follow instruction and get 500 coins, "
    "Airdrop no. 65

    5 coins for just signup"
    "Airdrop no. 66
    Join our Luxy Community and sign up for an account, Personal Token Limit 90,000 LUX Claim you LUX Tokens now!
    Limited SupplyEnter referrer's Telegram user name: @mdafjal786" Ended! https://deercoin.in/?p=og396678wb" http://10-tek.com/dropd/?mwr=6803-f60160d8 https://av.com/?me=Jqulnz" https://airdropster.com/ster/29866 (500 tokens)" https://whitemoney.io/signup/lc7his " http://candy.cccbt.org/?code=3c8ce0b62a0d436e" http://www.mycandybag.net/aot/?code=EUM77N18" http://refer.newtontree.co/?ref_code=pmopjvaslg6buzugtnwgqglq1o1kkfo9" https://bucc.bit.global/?code=AEWECP https://invite.sohu.world/?code=vNcY0565kn" http://candy.block18.io/?code=94JOXI" http://telegram.caripirates.io/index.html?rec=f668a07aaff469ca 點擊鏈接加入電報群即可獲得10CBP令牌獎勵" http://token.coincot.com/?code=93c48e10" signup here: https://otppay.io/index/OTPRF6408680 then Apply here for airdrop: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdm3Nov9DEwXfdVP0GwPYZqsrE-1lg32Y0BDwm08mZtx3i_UA/viewform" signup here:https://ethereumkey.org/registration.php?r=mdafjal786 https://staps.io/en/?ref=01407960-041c-0136-52d4-32f864bb6a51

Invitation link:

"Airdrop no. 67
www.lemochain.com/airdrop.html#/?invite=558108 https://www.onluxy.com/static/spa/app/gridview/luxy_coin.html#/?id==1Aj"

  1. Sign up for Lemo using invite code
  2. Post invite code into t.me/lemochain & receive 20 LEMO
  3. Earn BONUS when sharing with friend up to 20 LEMO p/sign-up

    "Airdrop no 68
    Ukit artificial intelligence for websites is airdropping 350 UKT tokens (worth 7$ ) for signing up and joining Telegram! #lemo"
  4. First sign up here. After ICO ends (April 19), your tokens will be send here and you can withdraw.
  5. Join the bounty Telegram channel and read the pinned rules. You have to join the main Telegram channel from there. https://t.me/joinchat/EV4FpUWbB57FsRYDjd3VLw

  6. "Airdrop no 69
    1 coins, worth 1$..join with telegram bot, taken time only 20 seconds!"
    "Airdrop no 70

    and 500 coins for every referal
    "Airdrop no 71

    20 coins"
    "Airdrop no 72

    signup for 10 coins"
    Airdrop no 73

    62 esenth tokens
    "Airdrop no 74
    ICO/Token Name: AKSO
    Amt of Free Tokens: 20
    Link to Airdrop

    Note: Sign-up if you haven't yet. This airdrop is gaining some momentum."
    "Airdrop no 75
    ICO/Token Name: INVACIO
    Amt of Free Tokens: 10 (value 10$)

    "Airdrop no 76

    "Airdrop no 77

    (telegram airdrop) 50 tokens"
    "Airdrop no 78

    (188 tokens) "
    "Airdrop no 79

    (500 tokens) "
    "Airdrop no 80
    ICO/Token Name: ROBOTIX
    Amt of Free Tokens: 10

    "Airdrop no 81

    Amt of Free Tokens: 10 (value 2$) just for signup"
    "Airdrop no 82

    60 tokens"
    "Airdrop no 83

    200 tokens just for submitting eth address and verify with telegram bot! (value 30 usd)"
    "Airdrop no 84

    sign in with your phone number & paste your link on telegram
    FREE --->>>>>>>> 30 DAC
    1DAC= 1.5$USD end of ico (45$)
    refer your frnd and earn more 30 DAC!"
    "Airdrop no 85

    signup & verify to receive your free coins
    FREE --->>>>>>>> 1000 DGTC (value 15$) "
    "Airdrop no 86

    (100 vend coins)"
    "Airdrop no 87

    "Airdrop no 88

    FREE --->>>>>>>> 25 eSTR
    1 eSTR = 1$ (total value 25$)

    "Airdrop no 89

    (total 30 tokens, value 7.5$)"
    "Airdrop no 90

    (5 HPB tokens for fill up from, value 25$)
    Already coin in Market! Hurry UP"
    "Airdrop no 91

    5 coins, worth .60 usd"
    "Airdrop no 92

    7 ENG tokens after ico end"
    "Airdrop no 93

    10 AV coins, value .07 etherium"
    "Airdrop no 94

    refer to earn"
    "Airdrop no 95

    rs 250.00 bonus when you sign up
    "Airdrop no 96

    88 tokens just for submitting eth address (value 88 cents) "
    "Airdrop no 97

    earn 5 tokens for everyperson you refer! per token value 8 dollar after ICO. calculation: so, if you refer just 10 person you will get 50 tokens(value: 50*8=400usd!)"
    "Airdrop no 98

    get 500 tokens, value 36$

    "Airdrop no 99

    100 ckct tokens, value 8 usd after ico
    "Airdrop no 100

    100 vechain, total 400 usd!!!

    already added and number 17 position in Crypto World!!!! join before 15 march, but please don't forget to refer :) "
    "Airdrop no 101

    50 coins free for signup(need only 1 min for signup), it will take 10-20 min to reach activation mail in your email"
    "Airdrop no 102

    "Airdrop no 103
    Complete the airdrop application form by submitting your email address and Telegram username. Link: https://bounty.ukit.com/ " https://token.ukit.com?r=b8271840d4f9045e https://www.gifcoin.io/?r=26172 (500 coins) https://myaccount.laxmicoin.com/register?ref=gecqxp7e5w08o4c0 https://www.cloudbounce.com/dbounce?r=HkBZdk9P6uf ref: http://vy.tc/etlrc60 https://www.aksochain.io/r/b85d5ba2 https://www.inv-ico.io/signup/?referrer=0170b8c17daeb41ca1baa4700eedb806" https://bittlend.io/User/Signup?referrer=MDAF22961" http://telegram.me/inschain_bot/?start=mdafjal786 http://www.mycandybag.net/cfc/?code=L3LS6IVO https://www.csatdrop.me/?ref=-L72nxO7aDQKufZ1vSra Fill: https://goo.gl/SWu45a (use referal link: mdafjal786)" https://divinumcoin.io/?reff=mdafjal786 https://goo.gl/VbQs6K https://luk.one/?r=4B4465B0C8 http://coucou.io/coin?token=DAC&code=Sq2cteH3 http://www.digitelcoin.info/register?upline=mdafjal786 https://pa3z6.app.goo.gl/B1WF http://laf-coin.ru/?code=QaeA44kDzS" http://laf-coin.ru/?code=QaeA44kDzS https://www.ethereumstar.io/airdropbounty.php REFRAL TELEGRAM USERNAME: @mdafjal786 " http://airdrop.naus.io/shareGet?inviteCode=Etyqcuti https://goo.gl/pmhd1x https://app.stakingcoin.com/r/705nl4d6 http://ethng.co.nf/referal/?refer=72776 https://av.com/?me=NVjhEp https://emmares.io/#distribution?mwr=6648-2a9c67a9 https://retn.co/?ref=39331 http://robot.hging.net/dist/index.html?q=01d56a https://referral.musards.org/?mwr=6755-b95a29d1 https://goo.gl/2VQYXV 4:WHO REFER YOU (@mdafjal786)" https://goo.gl/forms/PnTKMjHP4jflLwqj1 https://goo.gl/6rdNZJ (Please, add referer code on form, Referer Code: @mdafjal786) https://ebts.io/user/register.php?referral_code=WOY9N8CW11 https://airdrops.invox.mo.works/sign-up/y42dyo" https://eth.town/air/ZUCK
  7. Enter you E-Mail address
  8. Verify the E-Mail
  9. Enter your ETH address
    ETH.Town (5 TOWN) 5$"
    "Airdrop no 104

    100 tokens https://telegram.me/ICOHSInviteBot?start=gsiSQhaX15
  10. Start the bot here: https://goo.gl/4UjovG
  11. Join their Telegram
  12. Start another bot here: https://web.telegram.org/#/im?p=@ICOHeadStartBot
  13. enter your E-Mail and ETH address
    "Airdrop no 105

    2 coins, worth 7$ http://cryptocrystal.io/?code=ZGSyJaA-WQM
  14. Click on Pre-Register
  15. Enter your ETH and E-Mail address
  16. Verify your E-Mail"
    "Airdrop no 106
    "Airdrop no 107

    8888 edun coins, worth 45$"
    "Airdrop no 108

    "Airdrop no 109

    "Airdrop no 110

    10 cion, value 1$"
    "Airdrop no. 111

    "Airdrop no. 112
    https://etu.link/i/?r=daun https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfuOZywewY9CHzfNKuvhsPL4dpK4h82dW09ZZXdzwGcSBnqxA/viewform REFRAL CODE: @mdafjal786" https://www.kahnchat.com/voter/?r=9481 https://referral.a2btaxi.io?ref=10067 https://forms.acxnetwork.com/airdrop?referral=RGDEGP" https://www.investfeed.com/mdafjal786?rec=4e1dcd2
  17. Signup for investFeed
  18. Verify mail using Civic
  19. Go to wallet and submit ETH address
  20. Publish one post about your favourite token
  21. Join Telegram group"
    "Airdrop no. 113
  22. Go to airdrop page and click on bounty
  23. Complete social media tasks and claim your tokens right away in your dashboard "
    "Airdrop no. 114

    "Airdrop no. 115

    Note: You need to click 'CLAIM' in the telegram bot.
    ICO/Token Name: BITSONG
    Amt of Free Tokens: 24"
    "Airdrop no. 116

    ICO/Token Name: NUGGETS
    Amt of Free Tokens: 600"
    "Airdrop no. 117

    ICO/Token Name: TF coin
    Amt of Free Tokens: 1666"
    "Airdrop no. 118

    "Airdrop no. 119

    "Airdrop no. 120
    Gift.ONE, the global biggest airdrop organization of cryptocurrency, is airdropping million Tokens.
    plenty of Gift is giveaway... 1Gift=US$0.2
    Each registered users of Gift.ONE will get 100 Gift as reward and gain extra 100 Gift when join the Telegram group.
    Not enough for above?
    Invite friends to register, and get 1000 Gift reward now.
    Invite link:

    "Airdrop no. 121

    88 coins"
    "Airdrop no. 122

    18 tokens"
    "Airdrop no. 123

    88 tokens"
    "Airdrop no. 124

    33 tokens"
    "Airdrop no. 125

    18 tokens"
    "Airdrop no. 126

    signup & verify email to receive your free HUB tokens
    FREE --->>>>>>>> 100 HUB
    current rate
    100 HUB = 0.025 ETH (around 70$) "
    "Airdrop no. 127

    FREE --->>>>>>>> 2000 PNHD"
    "Airdrop 128

    133 tokens
    join telegram group and submit eth address"
    "Airdrop 129

    100 ecom coin http://r.cashbag.io/5547 https://bitsong.io/start/DAK5Q04I https://www.westart.co/project/nuggets-airdrop/?ref=8278 http://coucou.io/coin?token=TFcoin&code=MCiwphP2 http://telegram.me/Hurify_Bot/?start=464620928" http://a.banyanbbt.org/e/wKsfbA " https://gift.one/i/57766120842" http://www.mycandybag.net/wmt/?code=OP3D4NO9 http://mycandybag.net/get/?code=R34LRULB http://mycandybag.net/aat/?code=MHGJ8PGF http://www.mycandybag.net/?code=547IFI18 http://mycandybag.net/boe/?code=5UL3K06O https://account.hubtrex.com/FN0INYUV http://pumpandhold.surge.sh?ref=fjkbPB9uqCswnJEs https://t.me/THUGAirDropBot?start=mdafjal786 http://candy.ecomchain.io/?parentid=0f7dde74f668a07aaff469ca50dbcc0b
  24. Enter your ETH address
  25. Join their Telegram channel
  26. Paste the code to Telegram"
    "Airdrop 130

    "Airdrop 131

    68 tokens"
    "Airdrop 132

    Balance: 150 KWATT"
    "Airdrop no. 133

    "Airdrop no. 134
    🚀 Don't miss out Second Round Bounties 🚀 (already lunched! & added in coinmarketcap! hurryup
    DATx - The Blockchain Empowered Revolutionary Digital Advertising Terminal, is now starting Pre Token Distribution!

    "Airdrop no. 135

    signup to receive your free 100P
    FREE --->>>>>>>> 100 P
    100P = 100$
    "Airdrop no. 136
    GoldchainPro is a global gold asset trading platform based on blockchain cryptocurrencies.
    Open the first round of airdrop plans, register yourself to receive 18 gold tokens, invite friends to register to get 18 gold tokens, after the first round of airdrops can be sent.

    "Airdrop no. 137

    Your tokens: 200"
    "Airdrop no. 138

    50 hores tokens"
    "Airdrop no. 139

    1Million tokens, just for submit address and verify with telegram"
    "Airdrop no. 140

    ICO/Token Name: MAXDATA
    Amt of Free Tokens: 10

    Link to Airdrop:
    "Airdrop no. 141

    20 tokens"
    "Airdrop no. 142

    NEW EXCLUSIVE AIRDROP: worth 12$ + 4$ per ref"
    "Airdrop no. 143

    5 coins, for signup"
    "Airdrop no. 144

    10 coins = 10$
    processing signup
    "Airdrop no. 145
    Tacoin | 1000 Tacoin Tokens

    2.Fill in the registration form.
    3.Referral Email: [email protected]"
    "Airdrop no. 146

    500 tokens"
    "Airdrop no. 147

    "Airdrop no. 148

    "Airdrop no. 149

    end soon, within 2 days!"
    "Airdrop no. 150

    end soon, within 1 days!"
    "Airdrop no. 151 https://cryptokami.com?ref=140757 new exchanger site, 50$ bonus,+50 kami coin, verify with telegram group" https://cryptokami.com?ref=140757 http://www.gmchain.me/public/?token=17199 https://goo.gl/Nuh8TF (telegram bot) http://tm.aichain.me/?code=YS6Ba8dc" Follow @DATxOfficial and invite your friends to get 3.2 DATx for FREE:https://www.datx.co/bounty3/invite/0ip5gb " https://goo.gl/i5mqwE https://referral.goldchain.pro/?code=OmKz4176qv https://studyplatform.net/airdrop?ref=227ba3db0440a50316b47aefd317b549 http://horustoken.com/account/register.php?ref=b385af24 https://tel.argot.me/?ref=7e3f08c https://airdrop.maxdata.io/?kid=MGNW6 Steps: Join the telegram group first » https://t.me/maxdata and then fill the sign-up form. https://goo.gl/QD3USr fill up form using my telegram as refer @mdafjal786 http://airdropalert.com/cms/join/Shivom/0df3b7ee-4080-3c9f-8861-e48edd75c73e https://account.jusnaturale.com/register?ref=0Cn7YtNogU_39739 http://commado.trade/register.php?referer=mdafjal786 1.Click here(https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdXKnOJyhxVKjIBQ0kH0RnKuPY3ZHGXRuelYKifVFijHEiMQg/viewform). https://grabairdrop.com/airdrop/?r=14007 http://www.bitup.com/register/?referral=X2k4nykMgkgEbL1D ETU limited time candy activities, registration is sent to 50000ETCandy, registered address:https://etu.io/i/CKEo4PGI" https://airdropalert.com/cms/join/Crowdvilla/7c4773ed-28c9-3e63-960c-34a6d3c161a0 https://members.bbncoin.net/airdrop/coin?r=YI83309550
  27. Go to airdrop http://referral.stockchain.co/aHEl85
  28. Enter your ETH address
  29. Join telegram & copy your code in Telegram
    4 You will be credited with value 10 $ token"
    "Airdrop no. 152

    join telegram bot
    FREE --->>>>>>>> 5CXS
    (value 5*1.8=9$) "
    "Airdrop no. 153

    coin amount: Undefine"
    "Airdrop no. 154

    10 tokens/ withdraw limit 750"
    "Airdrop no. 155
    https://t.me/CrestoniumBot?start=464620928 https://bountyhealthnexus.herokuapp.com/register?invite_code=7f4a1575-fe44-4cf9-a4b9-a09b58058a6a https://t.me/DashClassicAirdropBot/?start=81047418 form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScHw0ItGGmEuOwhdMX3KnNdtxb70HGNmiINQksNlCAsU0uteA/viewform
  30. Join The Telegram channel: https://t.me/etherlight
  31. Follow the Twitter: https://twitter.com/ethereum_light and retweet pinned tweet
  32. Enter your refer's username: mdafjal786
  33. Ether your ETH address
    "Airdrop no. 156
    300 tokens"
    "Airdrop no. 157

    refer to earn, upto 100$ crnc https://referral.current.us/?mwr=6402-e0327a26

"Airdrop no. 158

5000 tokens to mine"
"Airdrop no. 159

signup and earn 1000 ewc coin (targeted 330 usd)
Eco Wealth Coin wallet will be fully developed and EWC exchangeable on crypto
exchanges such as poloniex, bittrex, cryptopia, coinmarketcap and more after
official launch in june 2018 EWC target price 0.33 $ per EWC"
"Airdrop no. 160

limited to only 15000 users, participate soon!
"Airdrop no. 161

use reference mail: [email protected]
"Airdrop no. 162

10 AMP tokens, value 3.5$, already in market...so hurry up "
"Airdrop no. 163

10 Scamcoins"
"Airdrop no. 164

70 tokens, value 70$
"Airdrop no. 165

signup using facebook, reward didn't define
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