Airdrop FUTURAX (FXC) Join and Eran 45000 FXC Coin ! Don't Miss It !

in #airdrop7 years ago (edited)



Futurax Airdrop round 1 is limited to 10,000 users

Airdrop will be started on 4 july 2018

Every user will get 45000 FXC and if you reffer your friend you will get 5000 FXC / reff


How to join our Airdrop

Re Tweet our post and tag your friends min 3 people

36654611_234247473842371_971703176392605696_o.jpgFollow our twitter Like our Facebook page (you need 500 friends on your contact list and make sure your facebook not been private) Join our Telegram Group Join our Telegram Channel

And now submit all task to #

Clone ID / Multiple ID / Fake data will be never be get rewards


Приветствую. Представляю студию блокчейн-копирайтинга. Предлагаю наши услуги по написанию WhitePaper, созданию видеороликов , написанию уникальных статей и обзоров (в том числе для steemit), переводов. Огромный опыт и большой штат сотрудников. Списко наших услуг и портфолио в нашем телеграм канале или на сайте.
Hello everyone! I present to you our blockchain copywriting studio. We propose to you next services: writing WhitePaper, creating videos, , translations, writing unique articles and reviews (Including for steemit). Extensive experience and highly qualified team. List of services and portforlio in our telegram channel or on our website.

Nice airdrop

really informative blog

Thanks please tell me i get 100 xrr tonken list on bitmart xrr 41 satoshi in eth
When send to bitmart no send fees very high

wait for list on other exchanges

@eupesh723 bro ye airdrop jenuen he na Maine join Kiya he....batana jarur comment me....

Wow great, very good profitable airdrop, i wanted to participate but i have not 500 friends on Facebook..

i love airdrops
who has much better value
fine now

Hi Rupesh,

Apne Kam ki news post kar di

We will be a part of this airdrop.

Thanks for this news .

I would like see same news on your blog am following you.
Follow me @ram.todkar

N i ce airdrop

I want to take part

Ty for sharing using information about airdrop.

Nice post. thanks 4 sharing

When will the ICO of the Airdrop finished?

Thanks for the information. I am going to join this Airdrop...

Great project thanks for sharing.

Helpful post. What is the initial value of this air drop?

Thank You bro i am going to have my coin too

okey @ rupesh723 i,m oviously join this airdrop and earn this coin and enjoy now

i will research about the airdrop and try it.

Nyc airdrop bro

how long it will launch in international exchanges?

May be i will join this....

Nice work

Futurqx gove u 100x profit

So nice technology

Nice information bro..

Great...keep it up

Woow..this is grea

Woow..this is great airdrop

Bro airdrops are one of the easy way to earn money , but all the airdrops are not success

done brother i know its late